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SIGCHI Across Borders initiative (SABI) 2018

The SIGCHI Across Borders Initiative (SABI)  is a SIGCHI effort to reach out to HCI people in places where HCI is still in its infancy. Growing out of the HCI Across Borders (HCIxB) activities that SIGCHI has sponsored and/or been involved in, this project consists of several regional meetings led by SIGCHI EC members to discuss the future of HCI and SIGCHI in Arab, Sub-Saharan African, and Latin American regions. We realise that there are many communities that are also developing and we do want to hear from you all. This particular project is focused on two large geographies because we have to start somewhere. We hope we will be able to learn from other HCI communities in the future. Of course, your ideas are always welcome, so please feel free to contact Susan Dray.

  • The first SIGCHI Across Borders Meeting was held on 15-16 January 2018 in Alexandria, Egypt.
  • The second SIGCHI Across Borders Meeting was held on 19-20 February 2018 at the Universidad Francisco Marroquín in Guatemala City, Guatemala. Some details from this event can be found here.
  • The third SIGCHI Across Borders Meeting will be held on the 18-20 June 2018 in Swansea University, Wales (UK). This is not a conference this is a “Train the Facilitator” event. We will meet for three days in Swansea to hold interactive discussions, sharing information about the two prior meetings in Egypt and Guatemala, and introducing materials we have produced for distribution to future participants as well as assisting participants in planning similar sessions in their parts of the world. Details on this event and how to apply by May 21st, 2018 can be found here.