Over the past few years the SIGCHI Executive Committee revised and developed a number of new guidelines and dedicated initiatives under its SIGCHI Development Fund program. Today, the SIGCHI Development Fund provides resources for the SIGCHI community to spur communication,…
SIGCHI launched Early Career Mentorship Fund for Developing Communities
SIGCHI launched Early Career Mentorship Fund for Developing Communities In order to better support emerging HCI communities in the developing world, ACM SIGCHI has established Early Career Mentorship Fund for Developing Communities. This fund is especially to support early-career…
SIGCHI Across Borders Initiative (SABI) next event June 2018
The SIGCHI Across Borders Initiative (SABI) is SIGCHI’s effort to reach out to HCI students, researchers, and practitioners in places where the field is still in nascent stages, as well as to learn more about HCI approaches in these contexts…
SIGCHI Across Borders initiative (SABI) 2018
The SIGCHI Across Borders Initiative (SABI) is a SIGCHI effort to reach out to HCI people in places where HCI is still in its infancy. Growing out of the HCI Across Borders (HCIxB) activities that SIGCHI has sponsored and/or been…
Internationalisation, Diversity and Inclusion events at Sponsored Conferences
From 2019, there is no longer a dedicated call for Internationalisation, Diversity and Inclusion events. However, if you are interested in applying for support in organising such an event, then you should should make an application to the “SIGCHI Development Fund”.…
SIGCHI and Accessibility
SIGCHI is committed to being a community open and welcoming to academics, researchers, and practitioners with disabilities. If you have concerns about accessibility of the SIGCHI website, publications or general concerns about physical accessibility at any SIGCHI sponsored events including…