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SIGCHI’s New Accessible Proceedings

SIGCHI is proud to announce that the CHI 2019 Proceedings are the first ACM conference proceedings to include responsive HTML articles.  Look at the new proceedings formats available in the CHI 2019 Proceedings Table of Contents.

This is a significant advance in the accessibility of our proceedings, and the benefits to the community as a whole make this an exciting time for SIGCHI publications.  Responsive HTML makes it possible to use screen readers, view publications on a wide variety of devices, and work with content programmatically to generate different kinds of views.

This new format is made possible by archiving our publication content as markup, not PDF.  Archiving markup allows us to separate content from presentation, which is crucial to dynamically create different view formats. This change in archiving practice is the reason behind all the changes to templates and workflow, but the benefits and potential for the future are worth the additional effort.

Given the undeniable challenges with the author experience at CHI 2019, a group of volunteers have already worked together to establish a new workflow for Word authors.  The new approach allows for usable WYSIWYG editing while still generating markup for archiving in the ACM Digital Library.

ACM conferences, including SIGCHI conferences like TVX 2019, are already using the new workflow to successfully generate accessible proceedings.  If you want to see more detail about how the new workflow works in the ACM Blue Diamond March Newsletter.

If you are organising an upcoming SIGCHI sponsored conference, you can opt-in to the new workflow so that your conference can also have accessible proceedings.  Email for more information.