The 2020 SIGCHI Chapter Website Competition is the first website competition for ACM SIGCHI local chapters, both professionals and students. This competition was held to serve as a recognition for SIGCHI chapters who are nurturing their website to curate their journey and fulfil their mission to serve the community. This year we received submissions from eleven chapters (9 professional and 2 student chapters) for the website competition.
The dissemination of the competition was conducted through various SIGCHI community channels: Facebook Group, Slack, Chapter Mailing List and Chapter Officers’ Email List, to reach all of the active chapters. The initial submission date was extended to increase the number of participation.
The chapters were required to submit a short essay to describe their website in regards to the assessment criteria given, together with other relevant information if they see fit. For chapters whose websites are written in their local language, they were encouraged to upload the key translation along.
To ensure the integrity and fairness of the competition, the judging criteria were made known to the chapters in advance. The criteria to be assessed by the judges are: (i) creativity, (ii) insightfulness, (iii) content/information, (iv) fulfilled goals, and (v) accessibility.
We invited nine candidates to become judges to give scorings and constructive feedback for each submission. From nine judges, four accepted the invitation and submitted their assessment and feedback. These judges do not currently serve as SIGCHI officers or local chapter officers.
The committee then compiled the results of judges assessment into final scoring. Special thanks for their hard works from the beginning to the end.
The results of the 2020 Chapter Website Competition Winners, in order, are as follows:
- First Place Winner: Bangkok ACM SIGCHI Chapter
- Second Place Winner: Srishti SIGHCI Chapter
- Third Place Winner: Kuala Lumpur ACM SIGCHI Chapter
The Judges of the 2020 Chapter Website Competition:
- Eryn Whitworth. Researcher at Microsoft, United States of America. Previously participated in the SIGCHI community as a student volunteer and currently active as a reviewer in SIGCHI conferences (CHI, Ubicomp, CSCW).
- Janet Read. Professor in Child Computer Interaction and the Director of the Child Computer Interaction (ChiCI) research group at the University of Central Lancashire, United Kingdom.
- Rahat Jahangir Rony. Have nearly 3.5 years of research experience in HCI, ICTD, Systems & Sensors. He worked in a Google research project and currently is working as a Research Assistant at the North-South University, Bangladesh.
- Simon Perrault. Assistant Professor at the Singapore University of Technology and Design, Singapore. Previously, he was also a visiting professor at KAIST (Korea) in 2018 and an Assistant Professor at Yale-NUS College (Singapore) between 2015 and 2018.
The winners of the SIGCHI Website 2020 Competition are given Certificates of Achievement and their achievement is announced publicly at the ACM SIGCHI Medium as well as Chapter Page at SIGCHI Website.