SIGCHI (Special Interest Group on Computer-Human Interaction) is led by the SIGCHI executive committee. Since SIGCHI first sponsored CHI, we have sponsored nearly 300 conferences and provided in-cooperation support to over 420. SIGCHI currently sponsor 24 conference series which includes CHI and 23 Specialised Conferences which are sponsored (e.g. CSCW and RecSys) or co-sponsored (e.g. UIST and IUI) .
In addition to the annual CHI conference, the Specialised Conferences program of SIGCHI has gradually evolved and has now become a significant part of the program that is offered to the HCI community at large each year. Specialised Conferences includes all conferences involving ACM SIGCHI other than the annual CHI conferences. Annually, we have over 9,000 delegates attend our 24 sponsored conferences, with around 3000 of these attending CHI.
The ACM SIGCHI Vice President for Conferences has authored a report to update members on conferences. The fifteen sections of this report cover 21 pages and are summarised (and directly linked below). The VP for conferences is responsible for overseeing all aspects of SIGCHI-sponsored conferences.
Each sponsored conference has a steering committee and the chair of each steering committee serves on the ACM SIGCHI Council of Steering Committee Chairs. In addition we have an Adjunct Chair for CHI on the SIGCHI executive committee. In addition to a SIGCHI Conference Board which works with the ACM SIGCHI VP for Conferences. The CHI Steering Committee oversees the activities of all CHI conference committee chairs from CHI 2018 onwards.
This report covers
- Upcoming Conferences, [pages 3-6]
- Recent Changes
- Our Submission and Review Policy Update [page 7]
- SIGCHI Student Travel Grant Update [page 7]
- Specialised Conferences Advice Update [page 8]
- Specialised Conferences Development Fund Update [page 8]
- Internationalisation, Diversity and Inclusion Events Update [page 8]
- Council of Steering Committee Chairs: CSCC [page 8]
- Study of gender diversity related issues in SIGCHI [page 9]
- Survey on “SIGCHI software” [page 9]
- Survey on SIGCHI financial supports [page 10]
- Dates [page 11]
- SIGCHI Conferences Board [page 13]
- Locations of sponsored conferences [page 14]
- Locations of in-cooperation conferences since 2002 [page 15]
- PAF and TMRF [page 15]
- Conference budgets [page 16]
- SIGCHI Specialised Conferences Development Fund [page 16]
- Paper downloads [page 18]
- SIGCHI Student Travel Grant: SSTG [page 19]
- Summary of awards to date [page 19]
- Internationalisation, Diversity and Inclusion events at SIGCHI Sponsored Conferences [page 19]
- Videos and Banners for CHI 2018 [page 20]
- Become a Volunteer at ACM SIGCHI events at conferences [page 20]
- ACM Europe Council Best paper Award [page 20]