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Announcing the SIGCHI Executive Committee Candidates

Summary. This is the fourth in a series of posts about the SIGCHI Executive Committee Election. The first post introduced the process of assembling a list of candidates and contained an open call for nominations; the second post described Executive Committee roles and responsibilities; the third post provided details about the election process. This post draws your attention to the slate of candidates running for positions on the Executive Committee, recaps the process by which the slate was assembled, and urges all SIGCHI members to vote!

The ACM hosts the official list of candidates for the election; scroll down the page to the SIGCHI section. All the candidates will have the opportunity to write statements outlining their vision if elected; these should be posted by early March at the latest. For your convenience, we also include the list of candidates here:

  • Regina Bernhaupt / Aaron Quigley
  • Neha Kumar / Shaowen Bardzell
  • Manjiri Joshi
  • Andrew Kun
  • Tamara Clegg
  • Simone Kriglstein
  • Rucha Tulaskar
  • Luis Castro
  • Sheena Erete
  • Christopher Frauenberger
  • Adriana Vivacqua
  • Lauren Wilcox
  • Naomi Yamashita

We believe that this is an excellent slate of candidates who have demonstrated passion for the HCI field and commitment to service to the HCI community. The candidates also are representative of the vibrancy and diversity of the SIGCHI community, in the topics they address, the methods they use, and their geographic locations (for example, the candidates are based in eight different countries on five different continents).

This did not come about by accident. When the current (and outgoing) SIGCHI President, Helena Mentis, delegated the job of forming and chairing a nominating committee to me, Loren Terveen, the SIGCHI Past President, the charter explicitly was to assemble a slate of candidates:

  • Who were familiar with SIGCHI, had relevant experience in volunteer service and leadership roles, and had a vision for the goals they wanted to achieve if elected to the Executive Committee.
  • And the candidates as a whole would jointly represent the diversity of the SIGCHI community.

The first step I took to achieve these goals was to create and widely distribute an Open Call for Nominations. Next, I assembled a nominating committee that was diverse in terms of geography, seniority, HCI perspectives, etc., and charged all the members with the goal of creating an excellent and diverse set of candidates for the election. (The members of the nominating committee are listed at the end of this post.) Each committee member posted the call to their own social networks and sub-communities and was responsible for suggesting a broad set of potential candidates. The Open Call and committee suggestions resulted in a list of nearly 50 potential candidates, all of whom were discussed by the committee as a whole, and in many cases, interviewed by a committee member about their willingness to be a candidate and their vision for their role.

These aspects of the process — the Open Call, creating a diverse nominating committee, and including in their charge the goal of assembling a diverse slate of candidates — were key to producing the slate of candidates you have before you.

I now encourage all SIGCHI members to check out the candidates and prepare to vote; for more information, please see the post that provides details about the voting process. A key point is that you must be a registered member of SIGCHI by April 15* to vote; the voting process post tell you how to register. As we are all aware, the SIGCHI community — and the whole world — is dealing with many challenging circumstances, so visionary, progressive, and dedicated leadership is an absolute must — please be sure you are a SIGCHI member and vote!

On behalf of the SIGCHI Election Nominating Committee:

  • Robin Brewer, The University of Michigan, USA
  • Geraldine Fitzpatrick, TU Wien, Austria
  • Sane Gaytán, Universidad de Colima, México
  • Gillian Hayes, University of California at Irvine, USA
  • Juho Kim, KAIST, Republic of Korea
  • Z O. Toups, New Mexico State University, USA
  • Loren Terveen (Chair), The University of Minnesota, USA

*This date used to be March 15, until we happened to discover on March 15, 2021 that there was still a month to go.