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A collection of syllabi for overview, advanced, and topical courses in HCI.

About this Resource

The syllabi in this collection have been shared by various members of the HCI Community so that others can build off previous work and established expertise. In each case, the creator of a syllabi retains full copyright of their work. These syllabi cannot be reproduced beyond this site without the explicit permission of their owner.

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Syllabi by topic

General Introductory or Survey Courses

Concepts in Human-Computer Interaction, Jonathan Morgan, University of Washington, Fall 2012
Human-Computer Interaction Design, Audrey Girouard, Fall 2013
Human-Computer Interaction Design Methods, Tammy Clegg, University of Maryland, Fall 2013
Human-Computer Interaction Design Studio, Michael Bernstein & Jeffrey Here, Stanford University, Winter 2013
Introduction to Human-Centered Computing, Amy Bruckman, Georgia Tech, Fall 2013
Introduction to Human-Computer Interaction, Jon Froehlich, University of Maryland, Fall 2013
Introduction to Human-Computer Interaction, Michael Bernstein & Scott Klemmer, Stanford University, Fall 2012
User Interface Design, Bjoern Hartmann, UC-Berkeley, Spring 2013
User Interface Design, Eric Paulos, UC-Berkeley, Fall 2013

General Advanced or Capstone Courses

Advanced Topics in Human-Computer Interaction, Alan Borning, University of Washington, Winter 2013
Advanced Topics in Human-Computer Interaction, James Fogarty, University of Washington, Spring 2012
Capstone Thesis/ Project MS HCI/d, Eli Blevis, Indiana University, Spring 2013
Human-Centered Design & Engineering- Bachelor’s Capstone, Andrew Davidson, University of Washington, Spring 2013
Human-Centered Design & Engineering- Master’s Capstone, Julie Kientz and Andrew Davidson, University of Washington, Spring 2013
Research Topics in Human-Computer Interaction, Michael Bernsetein, Stanford University, Spring 2013

Technology Development/ Programming

Intro to Media Programming, Phoebe Sengers, Cornell University, Fall 2012
Programming Languages, Alan Borning, University of Washington, Autumn 2012
Python & Related
Interactive Systems Design and Technology,  Sean Munson, University of Washington, Autumn 2013
Prototyping Interactive Systems, Mark Guzdial, Georgia Tech, Fall 2012
Interactive Devices
Interactive Device Design, Bjoern Hartmann, UC-Berkeley, Spring 2013
Advanced Interactivity
Advanced Device Design & Digital Fabrication, Bjoern Hartmann, UC-Berkeley, Spring 2013
Interactive Entertainment Technologies


Accessibility Research Seminar, Richard Ladner, University of Washington, Autumn 2012

Artificial Intelligence

Artificial Intelligence, Dan Weld, University of Washington, Autumn 2013

Cognitive and Social Psychology

Behavior and Information Technology, Sue Fussell, Cornell, Spring 2012
Nudges in Sociotechnical Systems, Sean Munson, University of Washington, Winter 2013

Computer Supported Cooperative Work (CSCW)

Collaborative Computing, Amy Bruckman, Georgia Tech, Spring 2014
Computers, Society, and Professionalism, Amy Bruckman, Georgia Tech, Fall 2012

Games and Entertainment

Design Games, Ellen Do, Georgia Tech, Fall 2012
Interactive Entertainment Technologies, Audrey Girouard, Carleton University, Winter 2014

Information Visualization

Information Visualization, Cecilia Aragon, University of Washington, Winter 2013
Information Visualization, Ben Shneiderman, University of Maryland, Fall 2013
Information Visualization, John Stasko, Georgia Tech, Fall 2013
Advanced Topics in Information Visualization, Cecilia Aragon, University of Washington, Winter 2014

Digital Art & Advanced Design

Digital Imagery as Meaning and Form in HCI/d, Eli Blevis, Indiana University, Spring 2013
Ideation Studio, Julie Kientz & Axel Roseler, University of Washington, Autumn 2013
Interaction Design, Eli Blevis, Hong Kong Polytechnic School of Design, Fall 2012
Interaction Design Practice, Marty Siegel, Indiana University, Fall 2013
Rapid Design for Slow Change, Marty Siegel, Indiana University, Fall 2013

Social Computing

Computer-Mediated Communication, Sue Fussell, Cornell, Spring 2012
Social Computing, Eric Gilbert, Georgia Tech, Fall 2012
Social Web, Niki Kittur, Carnegie Mellon, Fall 2013

Social Networks & Online Communities

Design and Online Communities, Eric Gilbert, Georgia Tech, Spring 2012
Design of Online Communities, Amy Bruckman, Georgia Tech, Spring 2013
Social Networks, Jen Golbeck, University of Maryland, Spring 2013

Ubiquitous Computing & Related Paradigms

Advanced Topics in Ubiquitous Computing, Shwetak Patel, University of Washington, Winter 2012
Tangible Interactive Computing, Jon Froehlich, University of Maryland, Fall 2012

Values & Ethics

Designing Technologies for Social Impact, Phoebe Sengers, Cornell University, Fall 2013

Managed by Past President

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