Soraia Prietch, Professor, Federal University of RondonópolisStacy Branham, Assistant Professor, University of California Irvine For the past nine months, the Adjunct Chairs for Accessibility as members of the SIGCHI Executive Committee (EC) have been working to identify the most pressing…
Responses to the CHI2019 SIGCHI Townhall
This blog post is about some of the key issues facing both the CHI conference in specific, and the SIGCHI community overall. The questions came from the townhall at CHI2019. Traditionally, the townhall has been more related to SIGCHI business,…
SIGCHI’s New Accessible Proceedings
SIGCHI is proud to announce that the CHI 2019 Proceedings are the first ACM conference proceedings to include responsive HTML articles. Look at the new proceedings formats available in the CHI 2019 Proceedings Table of Contents. This is a significant…
The Possibilities of Inclusion for SIGCHI
When we are inclusive… We can be heard. We can be respected. We can make change. We can have impact. For over three decades, the SIGCHI community has sought to be inclusive in building new technologies. As we know, a…