Thank you for agreeing to volunteer for SIGCHI. We would like you to take on this volunteer role with a clear understanding of the commitment that is being asked of you, as well as the ACM/SIGCHI policies that all our volunteering activities must align with.
- Your volunteer role is _______________________________________________.
- The term of this volunteer role is ______________________________________.
- You are a volunteer in the ACM organization that reports to _______________________________, their volunteer role is _______________________________ and they report to _______________________________.
- The responsibilities of the volunteer role include:
- [Position’s duties/goals]
- [Meeting commitments]
- [Who they will be working with]
- […]
- There is no remuneration for this volunteer role.
- If the tasks you would like to perform fall outside of normal operations or expectations of the volunteer role (whether they are additional tasks or innovations on typical tasks) and particularly if they may incur additional costs for the organization, it is best to discuss this first with the person you report to as they may have access to a broader picture of the organization’s activities and thus may be able to contribute a different perspective on your task.
- The following ACM policies pertain to the volunteer role:
- ACM Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct (1992, updated 2018) – This code requires you to avoid harm, be fair and take action not to discriminate, respect privacy, honor confidentiality.
- Policy Against Harassment at ACM Events (2018) – This policy also applies to any activities that are due to an ACM event or activity.
- ACM Conflict of Interest Policy (updated, 1992) – Includes rules with regards to Confidential Information, Personal Gain, Political Action, and Professional Conduct. “Personal gain” has also been interpreted to include research publications based on data collected in volunteer roles.
- ACM Privacy Policy
- Policy on Coercion and Abuse in the ACM Publication Process (2019)
- Policy on Roles and Responsibilities in ACM Publishing (updated 2020) – Applies to reviewing process (PC chairs and committee members)
- The following SIGCHI policies pertain to the volunteer role:
- SIGCHI Volunteer Reimbursement Policy
- SIGCHI Conflict of Interest Policy
- SIGCHI Data Collection and Access Policy
- Further details can be found in the SIGCHI Volunteer Handbook.
The following people contributed to this document:
Andrew Kun, Cliff Lampe, Helena Mentis, Ron Metoyer, Julie Williamson, Karla Badillo-Urquiola