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Gary Marsden Student Development Fund Now Opens to All HCI Relevant Conferences and SIGCHI Sponsored Summer/Winter Schools

In order to better support students from and currently based in developing countries pursuing HCI/UX, ACM SIGCHI Gary Marsden Student Development Fund now covers all HCI relevant conferences and SIGCHI sponsored summer/winter schools.

The application deadline: 15th of February, May, August and November.

In recognition of Gary Marsden’s contributions and inspiration in HCI4D, ACM SIGCHI established Gary Marsden Student Development Fund in July, 2015. The purpose is to support growth of HCI in developing worlds by sponsoring SIGCHI student members who are postgraduate students from and currently based in developing countries to attend HCI relevant events. For those who are currently not student members of SIGCHI, you can apply online to become a member with 19 USD before submitting the application. In the last two years, 36 students from around the world were awarded by the fund.


For more information about applying for the funding, please see the fund guidelines.


Please help circulating this news to the relevant parties.