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[CHI] SIGCHI Awards: Social Impact Awards Panel

CHI 2022

Join us for a panel discussion with the SIGCHI Social Impact awardees for this year: Liz Gerber, Jennifer Mankoff, and Aaditeshwar Seth. This session will begin with a short presentation from each of the awardees, before we together explore topics…

[CHI] SIGCHI@40 Plenary Panel

CHI 2022

As SIGCHI turns 40, it is time for us to take stock of the last 40 years, and plan for the decades to come. The SIGCHI Executive Committee brings together panelists spanning diverse backgrounds, experiences, and career stages across the…

[CHI] Equity Talks @SIGCHI

CHI 2022

The Executive Committee (EC) of ACM Special Interest Group on Computer–Human Interaction (SIGCHI) organized a series of ten equity talks from March 2021 to August 2021. These were hour-long recorded virtual roundtable sessions, for which we solicited participation from the…

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