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CSCW Writing Workshop in Brazil
This document presents a revised budget proposal of a Writing Workshop to take place in Brazil as part of a set of activities leading to CSCW 2017 in Rio de Janeiro. Changes in this activity reflect the feedback from the SIGCHI Executive Committee. The final approval for this project came from the SIGCHI core CMC under the auspices of the SIGCHI Conference Development Fund
CSCW Telepresence Program 2016
CSCW 2016 Telepresence Program was agreed after discussion to support option 1 as it seems most feasible and cost effective. The alternate proposals were not funded so are not included here. The SIGCHI core CMC agreed to fund this project from the SIGCHI conference development fund
ICMI student travel and keynotes 2015 This summary should not be seen as a model for a new proposal. It is being included here for full transparency on this funding. Instead, this document presents a “summary proposal” as the original request for this support came in while the old SIGCHI “formula” was in place. This was finally agreed upon under the new SIGCHI conference development fund in Oct 2015 by the SIGCHI Core Conference Management Committee. The final approval for this project came from the SIGCHI CMC under the auspices of the SIGCHI Conference Development Fund.
IUI 2016 Student Travel Support The IUI 2016 Student Consortium is similar to the Doctoral Consortium typical to many conferences, but open to students working towards postgraduate degrees at any level. This proposal was approved by the SIGCHI core CMC.
CHI PLAY at 2015 SIGCHI CMC This application is to support CHI PLAY representation at the SIGCHI CMC meeting in San Jose 2015. This was approved by the SIGCHI Core Conference Management Committee.
ETRA 2016 Tutorials This application is for funding for three tutorials at the conference for Eye Tracking Research and Applications (ETRA) that takes place at the Francis Marion Hotel in Charleston, SC, USA, March 14, 2016. ETRA is the largest eye-tracking conference in the USA and focuses on all aspects of eye movement research across a wide range of disciplines. The goal of ETRA is to bring together computer scientists, engineers and behavioral scientists in support of a common vision of moving eye tracking research and its application forward.
UbiComp 2016: Student support for 2016 UBICOMP/ISWC Diversity and inclusiveness are key concerns of UBICOMP/ISWC , for example the conference alternates each year between Asia, Europe and North America. As a key aspect of long term strategy the conference strive to continuously broaden and diversify its base by targeting and supporting young researchers and students from various countries and backgrounds. This strategy is implanted through 3 main pillars: International Student Volunteers, Doctoral Colloquium (DC) and “Broadening the Community”. This proposal requests travel funds to support participants and some hotel support for SVs.
MobileHCI 2016: Student Support and “Future of MobileHCI Panel” MobileHCI 2016 will be the 18th annual conference and is now one of SIGCHI’s leading and most well known conferences. Independent rankings of the impact of HCI conferences places MobileHCI in the top five conferences for “Top publications – Human Computer Interaction”. We aim to provide modest travel support for doctoral colloquium students to attend MobileHCI. In addition we aim to have a panel at MobileHCI 2016 which will draw upon the steering committee chairs for other SIGCHI conferences, leading figures in industry and though leaders outside of computing. This requested amount will only go someway to ensuring the panel members, who would not normally attend MobileHCI can be encouraged to attend and contribute to the panel. The ACM SIGCHI Adjunct Chair for Specialised Conferences (Aaron Quigley) made this request at the MobileHCI steering committee. As a result he took no part in the decision making on this, instead the past chair and core CMC decided on this.
IUI 2017 Broadening Participation Reaching out to the future and linking to the past of IUI by supporting students and the participation of 10-year paper impact awardees. The majority of the funding will be used to support student travel to the conference. While travel funding will be open to all graduate students, priority will be given to students who come from countries with historically low participation figures, students that otherwise will not be able to attend the conference, and students that have accepted papers at the conference, the workshops and the student consortium. SIGCHI is providing $12,000 of support for this project.
Summer School RecSys’17 The ACM Summer School on Recommender Systems will be held in conjunction with RecSys’17 as a pre-program to the RecSys conference in Como from Aug. 21st to Fri 25th in Bolzano with a welcome reception on Sunday, 20th. The organisers aim for this to be held in conjunction with the Doctoral Symposium (DS) of RecSys’17 being the scientific track of the summer school. SIGCHI is providing $36,000 of support for this project.
UMAP 2017 Student Travel Support
This is funding to support student travel to attend UMAP – User Modelling, Adaptation and Personalization 2017. This is the premier international conference for researchers and practitioners working on systems that adapt to individual users, to groups of users, and that collect, represent, and model user information. SIGCHI is providing $4,500 of support for this project.
ACM ISS 2017 Demo Reception The purpose of this project is to provide students with support to demo their projects at ISS 2017 and to revive the culture of bringing demos to the conference. The proposers would like to specifically encourage students from Australasia, Africa and Americas to showcase their work in a live demo event. SIGCHI is providing $7,700 of support for this project.
ACM UbiComp 2017
SIGCHI is providing $30,000 to UbiComp 2017 to address travel issues ($15,400), broadening participation ($9,700) and in support of a board meeting ($4,900) for the new IMWUT Journal. The editorial board meeting support is a one-time assistance to help with the transition to the new publishing model. Members can see the detailed application UbiComp made for support from both SIGMOBILE (who provided $20,000) and SIGCHI (who provided $30,000).
The goal of this project is to broaden participation in the Doctoral Consortium and to increase the prominence of the Doctoral Consortium at ICMI. ICMI 2017 has support for students from Scotland to attend, this funding extends the range of students who can be supported. SIGCHI is providing $9,275 of support for this project.
The purpose of this funding application is to fund international students speakers to be able to attend the conference. This proposal is co-funded by SIGCHI and SIGGRAPH.
ACM IUI 2018
This proposal is for funding to support student travel to IUI-2018, in particular for students from countries with historically low participation rates in IUI and the participation of Japanese undergraduate and High School students.
This proposal is to support student travel to the UMAP 2018 conference and Doctoral Student Consortium. The Consortium provides an opportunity for the doctoral students to explore and develop their research interest under the guidance of a panel of distinguished research faculty.
This proposal is to support breaking down Barriers to Participation, Promoting the new Late Breaking Paper Category, Conference Experience for Undergraduates (CEUs) and a panel session on Interdisciplinary Approaches to Multimodal Small Group Interactions.
ACM UbiComp 2018
This proposal aims to increase the Participation and Diversity of Early-career Researchers in Doctoral Colloquium at UbiComp 2018. This proposal will directly benefit early career researchers who will be the next generation of SIGCHI community members.
The Diversity and Inclusion Lunch at ACM CSCW 2018 will bring together participants at CSCW 2018 to discuss the topic of inclusion both for conference participants and in research presented at the conference.
IUI 2019
This proposal is for funding to support student travel to IUI-2019, in particular students who identify as female, and minority students, as well as students from countries with historically low participation rates in IUI. Part of the funding will be dedicated to the organization of a special event for the undergraduate and High School students.
UIST 2018
The main purpose of the project is to make the conference and its content more accessible to a range of participants including access to presentation and rooms for participants with children and to enable more students to participate in the UIST 2018 conference in Berlin and to provide high quality feedback to students.
CSCW 2018
This project aims to provide financial support for the LATAM organizers of the workshop “Latin America (LATAM) as a Place for CSCW Research” that will be held on Saturday November 3, 2018 in conjunction with the ACM CSCW 2018 conference.
CSCW 2019
This winter school aims to build a stronger CSCW community in Asia in advance the plan to bring CSCW 2022 to Asia. The CSCW Asia Winter School 2019 aims to provide students and researchers from diverse academic backgrounds of the Asia-Pacific region with a broad understanding of the topics, issues, methods and values of research in Computer-Supported Cooperative Work and Social Computing (CSCW).
DIS and C&C 2019
This art exhibition aims to broadening participation by bridging the international creative communities of DIS and C&C.
RecSys 2019 The RecSys summer school is for MSc and PhD students in related fields, as well as postdocs and industry practitioners working on recommendation, personalization, user modeling, and related. It provides a unique opportunity for students to gain a deep understanding of the key aspects of recommender systems.
ICMI 2019
This funding application will promote communication between students and filed experts at banquet, will facilitate workshop organization and will invite outside speakers for a panel discussion.
IUI 2020 – 25 years of IUI
This request is to support student travel and activities at IUI 2020 to highlight the first 25 years of IUI and to lay the foundations or IUI 2021 which will take place in Chile, as one of the first ACM SIGCHI sponsored conferences in South America.
HRI 2020 This proposal is to support the in person Programme Committee, which doubles as a networking event along with a pioneers workshop and an industry event and student support.
UIST 2019 The main purpose of the project is to increase the diversity and inclusiveness efforts of UIST, and broadening participation among underrepresented minorities. The Student Innovation Contest (SIC) is one of the main driving sources to increase participation due to its accessibility and strong visibility at the conference.