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VRST 2007 Details

VRST 2007 was held from November 5-7 in Newport Beach, California.

Table of Contents


Honorary Chairs

Frederick P. Brooks, Jr., University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA

Lawrence Rosenblum, National Science Foundation, USA

Conference Co-Chairs

Aditi Majumder, University of California at Irvine, USA

Daniel Cohen-Or, Tel Aviv University, IL

Larry Hodges, University of North Carolina at Charlotte, USA

Program Co-Chairs

Ming Lin, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, USA

Gerard Kim, Korea University, KR

Werner Purgathofer, Vienna University of Technology, AT

Short Paper Co-Chairs

Ronan Boulic, EPFL, CH

Miguel Otaduy, ETH Zurich, CH

Posters & Demonstration Co-Chairs

Benjamin Lok, University of Florida at Gainsville, USA

Ruigang Yang, University of Kentucky, USA

Industrial Liason Co-Chairs

Carolina Cruz-Neira, University of Louisiana at Lafayette, USA

Naga Govindaraju, Microsoft Research, USA

Publicity Chair

Oliver Staadt, University of California at Davis, USA

Sponsor Chair

Falko Kuester, University of California at Irvine, USA

International Program Committee

Angelos Amditis, GR

Bruno Arnaldi, FRANCE

Alessandro Artusi, CY

George Baciu, HK

Norman Badler, US

Cagatay Basdogan, TR

William Baxter, JP

Mark Billinghurst, NZ

Doug Bowman, US

Pere Brunet, ES

Jim Chen, US

Seungmoon Choi, KR

Sabine Coquillart, FRANCE

Thomas Ertl, DE

Francisco Feito, ES

Bernd Froehlich, DE

Fabio Ganovelli, IT

Graham Morgan, UK

Mark Green, CA

Baining Guo, CN

Matthias Harders, CH

Michikata Hirose, JP

Tobias Hollerer, US

Roger Hubbold, UK

Kin-Chuen Hui, HK

Victoria Interrante, US

Hiroo Iwata, JP

Joaquim Jorge, PT

Simon Julier, UK

Young Kim, KR

Yoshifumi Kitamura, JP

Gudrun Klinker, DE

Rynson Lau, HK/UK

Frederick Li, UK

Robert Lindeman, US

Mark Livingston, US

Celine Loscos, UK

Mark Mine, US

Franck Multon, FRANCE

Carol O’Sullivan, IE

Zhigeng Pan, CN

Marcio Pinho, BR

Stephane Redon, FRANCE

Dirk Reiners, US

Dieter Schmalstieg, AT

Gurminder Singh, US

Peter Shirley, US

Oliver Staadt, US

Didier Stricker, DE

Wolfgang Stuerzlinger, CA

Sung Yong, KR

Hanqiu Sun, HK

Daniel Thalmann, CH

Phil Willis, UK

Charlie Wang, HK

Greg Welch, US

Enhua Wu, CN

Yasuyuki Yanagida, JP

Gabriel Zachmann, DE

VRST 2007 Attendance

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VRST 2007 Income

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VRST 2007 Expenses

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