VRST 2005 was held from November 7-9 in Monterrey, California.
Table of Contents
Conference Co-Chairs
Gurminder Singh, Naval Postgraduate School, USA
Rynson W.H. Lau, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Program Co-Chairs
Rudy Darken, Naval Postgraduate School, USA
Yiorgos Chrysanthou, University of Cyprus, Cyprus
Short Papers Chair
Ernst Kruijff, Vertigo Systems GmBH, Germany
Local Chair and Treasurer
Mathias Kölsch, Naval Postgraduate School, USA
Media Chair
Frederick Li, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong
International Program Committee
Angelos Amditis, ICCS-NTUA, Greece
Ron Azuma, HRL Laboratories, USA
George Baciu, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong
Norman I. Badler, University of Pennsylvania, USA
Hujun Bao, Zhejiang University, China
Edwin Blake, University of Cape Town, South Africa
Doug Bowman, Virginia Tech, USA
Pere Brunet, Technical University of Catalonia, Spain
Alan Chalmers, University of Bristol, UK
Daniel Cohen-Or, Tel Aviv University, Israel
Curtis Conkey, Naval Education and Training Command, USA
George Drettakis, INRIA Sophia-Antipolis, France
Steven Feiner, Columbia University, USA
Craig Gotsman, Technion, Israel
Mark Green, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Marcus Gross, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne, Switzerland
Baining Guo, Microsoft Research Asia, China
James Hahn, George Washington University, USA
Drew Kessler, Lehigh University, USA
Gerard Jonunghyun Kim, POSTECH, Korea
Yoshifumi Kitamura, Osaka University, Japan
Taku Komura, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Rynson Lau, City University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Frederick Li, The Hong Kong Polytechnic University, Hong Kong
Ming Lin, University of North Carolina, USA
Qingping Lin, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Robert W. Lindeman, The George Washington University, USA
Celine Loscos, University College London, UK
Katerina Mania, University of Sussex, UK
Perry McDowell, Naval Postgraduate School, USA
Ming Ouhyoung, National Taiwan University, Taiwan
Qunsheng Peng, Zhejiang University, China
Ivan Poupyrev, MIC Research Labs, Japan
Xavier Pueyo, Universitat de Girona, Spain
David Roberts, University of Salford, UK
Maria Roussou, makebelieve, Greece
Hans-Peter Seidel, Max-Planck-Institut Informatik, Germany
Gurminder Singh, Naval Postgraduate School, USA
Richard So, Hong Kong University of Science & Technology, Hong Kong
Anthony Steed, University College London, UK
Hanqiu Sun, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Hong Kong
Tiow-Seng Tan, National University of Singapore, Singapore
Daniel Thalmann, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology Lausanne, Switzerland
Yiaoping Yun, Naval Postgraduate School, USA
Gabriel Zachmann, University of Bonn, Germany
VRST 2005 Attendance
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VRST 2005 Income
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VRST 2005 Expenses
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