VRST 1997 was held from September 15-17 in Lausanne, Switzerland.
Table of Contents
General Chair
Daniel Thalmann, Computer Graphics Lab, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL)
Program Co-Chairs
Steve Feiner, Columbia University, USA
Gurminder Singh, Institute of Systems Sciences, National University of Singapore
Daniel Thalmann, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL)
Prem Kalra, MIRALab, University of Geneva
Organization and publicity
Zerrin Celebi, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL)
Registration and local arrangements
Josiane Bottarelli, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL)
Ronan Boulic, Swiss Federal Institute of Technology (EPFL)
International Program Committee
Steve Benford, University of Nottingham, UK
Massimo Bergamasco, Percro, Italy
Jens Blauert, Bochum University, Germany
Pere Brunet, Universitat Politecnica de Catalunya, Spain
Steve Bryson, NASA Ames, USA
Grigore Burdea, Rutgers University, USA
Tat Seng Chua, National University of Singapore
Michael Deering, SUN Microsystems, USA
Rae Earnshaw, University of Bradford, UK
Lennart Fahlen, Swedish Inst. of Computer Science, Sweden
Kim Fairchild, ISS, National University of Singapore
Dieter Fellner, University of Bonn, Germany
Pascal Fua, EPFL, Switzerland
Martin Goebel, GMD, Germany
Mark Green, University of Alberta, Canada
Michitaka Hirose, University of Tokyo, Japan
Larry Hodges, Georgia Tech, USA
Hiroo Iwata, Univ. of Tsukuba, Japan
Rob Jacob, Naval Research Lab, USA
Stanislav Klimenko, Institute for High Energy Physics, Russia
Myron Krueger, Artificial Reality, USA
Tosiyasu L. Kunii, University of Aizu, Japan
Nadia Magnenat Thalmann, University of Geneva, Switzerland
Margaret Minsky, MIT, USA
Junji Nomura, Matsushita Electric Works, Japan
Jun Ohya, ATR, Japan
Steve Pieper , Medical Media Systems, USA
Timothy Poston, ISS, National University of Singapore
Larry Rosenblum, Naval Research Laboratory
Luis Serra, ISS, National University of Singapore
Sung Yong Shin, KAIST, Korea
Mel Slater, University of London, UK
Sharon Stansfield, Sandia National Laboratories, USA
Larry Stark, Berkeley, USA
Yasuhito Suenaga, Nagoya University, Japan
Yngve Sundblad, KTH, Sweden
Susumu Tachi, University of Tokyo Japan
Jose Teixeira, Centro de Computacao Graphico, Coimbra, Portugal
Colin Ware, University of New Bruswick, Canada
Michael Zyda, Naval Postgraduate School, USA
VRST 1997 Attendance
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