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UIST 2016

UIST 2016 was held from October 16-19 in Tokyo, Japan.

Table of Contents


General Co-Chairs

Jun Rekimoto, University of Tokyo

Takeo Igarashi, University of Tokyo

Program Committee Co-Chairs

Jacob O. Wobbrock, University of Washington

Daniel Avrahami, FXPAL

Sponsorship Chair

Daniel Wigdor, University of Toronto

Koji Yatani, University of Tokyo

Demo Committee Chairs

Chris Harrison, CMU

Yuta Sugiura, Keio University

Poster Committee Chair

Juho Kim, KAIST

Stefanie Mueller, Hasso-Plattner-Institute

Treasurer And Local Arrangements

Daisuke Sakamoto, University of Tokyo

Masa Ogata, AIST

Publicity Chair

Rong-Hao Liang, National Taiwan University

Doctoral Symposium Chair

Patrick Baudisch, Hasso-Plattner-Institute

Hiromi Nakamura, University of Tokyo

Student Innovation Contest Co-Chairs

Pedro Lopes, Hasso-Plattner-Institute

Lining Yao, MIT Media Lab

Video Previews Chair

Justin Matejka, Autodesk Research

Jarrod Knibbe, University of Copenhagen

Registration Chair

Jessica Cauchard, Stanford University

Nicholas Chen, Microsoft Research

Keynote Chair

Yoshifumi Kitamura, Tohoku University

Student Volunteer Chair

David Lindlbauer, TU Berlin

Jun Kato, AIST

Interactive Program Guide Chair

Stephen Oney, University of Michigan

Jason Wiese, University of Utah

Eiji Hayashi, CMU

Web And Social Media Chair

Ryo Suzuki, University of Colorado Boulder

Conference Documentation Chair

Gilbert Bernstein, Stanford University

Alexandra Ion, Hasso-Plattner-Institute

Lasting Impact Award Chair

Steven Feiner, Columbia University

Proceedings Chair

Xing-dong Yang, Dartmouth College

Joe Tullio, Google

Award Chair

Alex Olwal, Google

Design And Signage Chair

Yasuaki Kakehi, Keio University

Wataru Kobara, Keio University

Accessibility Chair

Masatomo Kobayashi, IBM Research – Tokyo

UIST 2016 Attendance

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UIST 2016 Income

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UIST 2016 Expenses

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