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Ubicomp 2009

UbiComp 2009 was held from September 30-October 3 in Orlando, Florida.

Table of Contents


General Chair

Sumi Helal, University of Florida, USA

Program Co-Chairs

Hans Gellersen, Lancaster University, UK

Sunny Consolvo, Intel Research, USA

Workshop Chair

Jakob Bardram, IT University of Copenhagen, Denmark

Video Co-Chairs

Achilles Kameas, Hellenic Open University, Greece

Christian Kray, University of Newcastle, UK

Demonstration Co-Chairs

Pei Zhang, Carnegie Mellon University, USA

Tsutomu Terada, Kobe University, Japan

Poster Co-Chairs

Hani Hagras, University of Essex, UK

Kristof Van Laerhoven, TU Darmstadt

Panel Chair

Michael Weber, University of Ulm, Germany

Publication Co-Chairs

Diane Cook, Washington State University, USA

Gu Tao, Institute for InfoCom Research, Singapore

Doctoral Colloq. Co-Chairs

Andreas Butz, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universitaet, Germany

Raja Bose, Nokia Research Center Palo Alto, USA

Student Volunteers Co-Chairs

Jennifer Rode, University College London, UK

Alireza Sahami, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany

Erich Stuntebeck, Georgia Tech, USA

Industrial Exhibit Chair

Charlie Lindahl, Cellcast Technologies, Inc., USA

Publicity Co-Chairs

Andreas Bulling, ETH Zurich, Switzerland

Julie Kientz, University of Washington, USA

Local Arrangements Chair

Cliff Zou, University of Central Florida, USA

Steven Pickles, University of Florida, USA


Gary Hamlin, University of Florida, USA

Registration Chair

Andres Mendez, University of Florida, USA

Web Publicity Co-Chairs

Chao Chen, University of Florida, USA

Michael Lee, Leap Design, Inc., USA

Public Relations Chair

Aaron Hoover, University of Florida, USA

Steering Committee Chair

Joe McCarthy, Interrelativity, Inc., USA

Online Community Chair

Jung Wook Park, Ajou University, South Korea

Ubicomp 2009 Attendance

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Ubicomp 2009 Income

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Ubicomp 2009 Expenses

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