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Ubicomp 2006

UbiComp 2006 was held from September 17-21 in Orange County, California.

Table of Contents


General Chair and Treasurer

Crista Lopes, University of California, Irvine, USA

Program Committee Chairs

Paul Dourish, University of California, Irvine, USA

Adrian Friday, Lancaster University, UK

Local Arrangements Chair

Don Patterson, University of California, Irvine, USA

Workshops Chairs

John Krumm, Microsoft Research, USA

Ken Anderson, Intel Research, USA

Posters Chairs

Itiro Shiio, Tamagawa University, Japan

Beverly Harrison, Intel Research, USA

Demos Chairs

Julian Bleecker, University of Southern California / Techkwondo, USA

Khai Truong, University of Toronto, Canada

Videos Chairs

Marc Langheinrich, ETH Zurich, Switzerland

Louise Barkhuus, University of Glasgow, UK

Doctoral Colloquium Chairs

Beki Grinter, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA

Gregory Abowd, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA

Publications Chairs

Florian Michahelles, ETH Zurich, Switzerland

Publicity Chairs

Timothy Sohn, University of California, San Diego, USA

Matthias Kranz, University of Munich, Germany

Takashi Matsumoto, Keio University, Japan

Student Volunteers Chairs

Amir Haghighat, University of California, Irvine, USA

Gillian Hayes, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA

Web Master

Amanda Williams, University of California, Irvine, USA

Program Committee

Elizabeth Belding-Royer, UC Santa Barbara

Genevieve Bell, Intel

AJ Brush, Microsoft Research

Vinny Cahill, Trinity College Dublin

Matthew Chalmers, University of Glasgow

Sunny Consolvo, Intel Research Seattle

Joelle Coutaz, IMAG

Gregory Abowd, Georgia Tech

Boriana Koleva, Nottingham University

John Krumm, Microsoft Reseach

Anthony LaMarca, Intel Research Seattle

Eyal de Lara, University of Toronto

Rainer Malaka, European Media Laboratory

Henk Muller, University of Bristol

Moira Norrie, ETH Zurich

Naohito Okude, Keio University

Jun Rekimoto, Sony Computer Science Laboratory

Yvonne Rogers, Indiana University

Albrecht Schmidt, Ludwig-Maximilians-Universität München

Mirjana Spasojevic, Yahoo! Research Berkeley

Beatriz da Costa, University of California, Irvine

Khai Truong, University of Toronto

Ubicomp 2006 Attendance

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Ubicomp 2006 Income

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Ubicomp 2006 Expenses

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