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TEI 2008

TEI 2008 was held from February 18-20 in Bonn, Germany.

Table of Contents


Program Chairs

Elise van den Hoven, Eindhoven University of Technology, NL

Ali Mazalek, Georgia Institute of Technology, USA

Conference Chairs

Albrecht Schmidt, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany

Hans Gellersen, Lancaster University, UK

Steering Committee

Eva Hornecker, Open University, UK

Caroline Hummels, Eindhoven University of Technology, NL

Robert Jacob, Tufts University, USA

Brygg Ullmer, Louisiana State University, USA

Publication Chairs

Paul Holleis, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany

Nicolas Villar, Lancaster University, UK

Program Committee

Omar Abou Khaled, University of Applied Sciences of Western Switzerland

Kristina Andersen, STEIM

Alissa Antle, Simon Fraser University

Steffi Beckhaus, University of Hamburg

Bert Bongers, UTS

Leah Buechley, University of Colorado

Ellen Do, Georgia Tech

Michael Evans, Virginia Tech

Frank Feltham, RMIT University

Alois Ferscha, University of Linz

Geraldine Fitzpatrick, University of Sussex

Morten Fjeld, Chalmers University of Technology

Clifton Forlines, MERL

Mark Gross, Carnegie Mellon University

Tom Gross, Bauhaus-University Weimar

Jonna Hakkila, Nokia

Beverly Harrison, Intel Research

Ken Hinckley, Microsoft Research

Paul Holleis, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany

Eva Hornecker, The Open University

Giulio Jacucci, Helsinki Institute for Information Technology

Pamela Jennings, Carnegie Mellon University

Sergi Jorda, Universitat Pompeu Fabra

Boriana Koleva, University of Nottingham

Peter Krogh, Aarhus School of Architecture

Denis Lalanne, University of Fribourg

Astrid Larssen, University of Technology Sydney

Christopher Lueg, University of Tasmania

Carsten Magerkurth, SAP

Paul Marshall, The Open University

Jean-Bernard Martens, Eindhoven University of Technology

Rene Mayrhofer, Lancaster University

Floyd Mueller, The University of Melbourne

Trevor Pering, Intel Research

Ivan Poupyrev, Sony CSL

Janet Read, University of Central Lancashire

Michael Rohs, Telekom Labs

Enrico Rukzio, Lancaster University

Chris Schmandt, MIT Media Lab

Orit Shaer, Tufts University

Ehud Sharlin, University of Calgary

Beat Signer, ETH Zurich

Andrew Smith, Meraka Institute, South Africa

Tomas Sokoler, IT University of Copenhagen

Marcelle Stienstra, University of Southern Denmark

Bruce Thomas, University of South Australia

Kristof Van Laerhoven, TU Darmstadt

Jean Vanderdonckt, Université catholique de Louvain

Ron Wakkary, Simon Fraser University

Xiangyu Wang, University of Sidney

Andy Wilson, Microsoft Research

Peta Wyeth, University of Nottingham

Demo Chairs

Alireza Sahami, RWTH Aachen University, Germany

Raphael Wimmer, Ludwig-Maximilians-University Munich, Germany

Web Masters

Nicolas Villar, Lancaster University, UK

Paul Holleis, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany


Bart Hengeveld, Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands

TEI 2008 Attendance

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TEI 2008 Income

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TEI 2008 Expenses

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