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RecSys 2014

RecSys 2014 was held from October 6-10 in Foster City, California.

Table of Contents


General Co-Chairs

Alfred Kobsa, UC Irvine, USA

Michelle Zhou, IBM, USA

Program Co-Chairs

Martin Ester, Simon Fraser University, Canada

Yehuda Koren, Google, USA

Workshop Co-Chairs

Lior Rokach, Ben Gurion University, Israel

Badrul Sarwar, eBay, USA

Tutorial Co-Chairs

Alexander Felfernig, Technical University of Graz, Austria

Bee-Chung Chen, LinkedIn, USA

Doctoral Symposium Co-Chairs

Yi Zhang, University of California Santa Cruz, USA

Shlomo Berkovsky, NICTA, Australia

Poster And Demo Co-Chairs

Li Chen, Hong Kong Baptist University, China

Jalal Mahmud, IBM Research, USA

Proceedings Chair

Bart Knijnenburg, UC Irvine, USA

Publicity Co-Chairs

Alan Said, CWI, The Netherlands

Tim Hussein, University of Duisburg-Essen, Germany

Industry Co-Chairs

Anmol Bhasin, LinkedIn, USA

Joaquin Quiñonero Candela, Facebook, USA


Susan Crow, IBM, USA

Local Arrangements And Student Volunteer Co-Chairs

Jian Wang, LinkedIn, USA

Susan Crow, IBM, USA

Local Publications And Publicity Chair

Agustin Casamayor, IBM, Argentina

RECSYS 2014 Attendance

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RECSYS 2014 Income

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RECSYS 2014 Expenses

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