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RecSys 2011

RecSys 2011 was held from October 23-27 in Chicago, Illinois.

Table of Contents


General Chairs

Bamshad Mobasher, DePaul University, USA

Robin Burke, DePaul University, USA

Program Chairs

Dietmar Jannach, TU Dortmund, Germany

Gediminas Adomavicius, University of Minnesota, USA

Industry Chairs

Yehuda Koren, Yahoo! Research, Israel

Verus Pronk, Philips Research Eindhoven, Netherlands

Workshop Chairs

Werner Geyer, IBM Research, Cambridge, USA

John Riedl, University of Minnesota, USA

Tutorial Chairs

Shlomo Berkovsky, CSIRO, Australia

Ido Guy, IBM Haifa Research Lab, Israel

Doctoral Symposium Chairs

Alexander Tuzhilin, New York University, United States

Domonkos Tikk, Gravity R&D/Budapest University of Technology and Economics, Hungary

Publicity Chairs

Zeno Gantner, University of Hildesheim, Germany

Steffen Rendle, University of Konstanz, Germany

Asia Liaison

Li Chen, Hong Kong Baptist University, China

RECSYS 2011 Attendance

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RECSYS 2011 Income

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RECSYS 2011 Expenses

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