RecSys 2009 was held from October 22-25 in New York City, New York.
Table of Contents
General Chairs
Lawrence Bergman, IBM Research, NY, USA
Alex Tuzhilin, New York University, USA
Program Chairs
Robin Burke, DePaul University, USA
Alexander Felfernig, Graz University of Technology, Austria
Lars Schmidt-Thieme, University of Hildesheim, Germany
Industry Chairs
John Ciancutti, Netflix, USA
Paul Lamere, Sun Microsystems, USA
Workshop Chairs
Joseph Konstan, University of Minnesota, USA
Sean McNee, FTI Technology, USA
Doctoral Symposium Chairs
Michael O’Mahoney, University College Dublin, Ireland
Paul Resnick, University of Michigan, USA
Publicity Chair
Zan Huang, Pennsylvania State University, USA
Asian Liaison
Dong Zhang, Google Research, China
European Liaison
Alexandros Nanopoulos, University of Hildesheim, Germany
RECSYS 2009 Attendance
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Attendance category descriptions
RECSYS 2009 Income
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Finance category descriptions
RECSYS 2009 Expenses
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