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Mobilehci 2017

MobileHCI 2017 was held from September 4-7, 2017 in Vienna, Austria.

Table of Contents


Conference Chairs

Matt Jones, Swansea University, UK
Manfred Tscheligi, University of Salzburg, Austria

Paper Chairs

Yvonne Rogers, UCL, UK
Roderick Murray-Smith, University of Glasgow, UK

Workshop Chairs

Simon Robinson, Swansea University, UK
Julie Williamson, University of Glasgow, UK

Special Area Chairs

Scott Jenson, Google, USA (Internet of Things Chair)
Albrecht Schmidt, University of Stuttgart, Germany (Autonomouse Vehicles Chair)

Demos Chairs

Markus Löchtefeld, Aalborg University, Denmark
Cosmin Munteanu, University of Toronto Mississauga, Canada

Tutorial Chairs

Katrin Wolf, Hamburg University of Applied Science, Germany
Daniel Ashbrook, Rochester Institute of Technology, USA

Late Breaking Results Chairs

Thomas Reitmaier, Swansea University, UK
Paweł Woźniak, University of Stuttgart, Germany

Industry Perspectives Chairs

Nitendra Rajput, IBM
Marc Busch, AIT

Doctoral Consortium Chairs

Céline Coutrix, CNRS, France & University of Stuttgart, Germany
Jennifer Pearson, Swansea University, UK
Andrés Lucero, Aalto University, Finland

Web & Social Media Chairs

Timothy Neate, Swansea University, UK
Cameron Steer, Swansea University, UK

Local Organization Chairs

Peter Fröhlich, AIT
Georg Regal, AIT
Katja Neureiter, University of Salzburg, Austria

Student Volunteer Chair

Mark A. Kramer, University of Salzburg, Austria

Student Design Competition Chair

Alexander Meschtscherjakov, University of Salzburg, Austria

Publications Chairs

Andreas Sackl, AIT
Michaela Reisinger, AIT
Peter Fröhlich, AIT

MobileHCI 2017 Attendance

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Attendance category descriptions

MobileHCI 2017 Income

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MobileHCI 2017 Expenses

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Finance category descriptions

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