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MobileHCI 2004

MobileHCI 2004 was held from September 13–16 in Glasgow, Scotland.

Table of Contents


Conference Chair

Dr Mark Dunlop, Computer and information Sciences, University of Strathclyde

Programme Chair

Prof Stephen Brewster, Computer Science, University of Glasgow


Dr Steve Neely, Computer and information Sciences, University of Strathclyde

Panels Chair

Dr Matt Jones, Computer Science, Waikato University

Workshops Chair

Dr Marilyn McGee, Computer Science, University of Glasgow

International Programme Committee

Russell Beale

Robert Biddle

Barry Brown

Lorna Brown

Matthew Chalmers

Alan Chamberlain

Keith Cheverst

Luca Chittaro

Andy Cockburn

Joelle Coutaz

Murray Crease

Boris De Ruyter

Alan Dix

Joy Goodman

Phil Gray

Tom Gross

Ken Hinckley

Simon Holland

Chris Johnson

Matt Jones

Steve Jones

Anne Kaikkonen

Pekka Ketola

Panu Korhonen

Vuokko Lantz

Peter Lonsdale

Jo Lumsden

Gary Marsden

Masood Masoodian

David Mcgookin

David Morse

Rod Murray-Smith

Eamonn O’neil

Reinhard Oppermann

Fabio Paterno

Antti Pirhonen

Roope Raisamo

Thomas Rist

Daniel Salber

Albrecht Schmidt

Matthias Schneider-Hufschmidt

Andrew Sears

Manfred Tscheligi

Paul Vickers

Bruno Von Niman

David Williams

MobileHCI 2004 Attendance

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MobileHCI 2004 Income

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MobileHCI 2004 Expenses

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