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IUI 2004 Details

IUI 2004 was held from January 13–16 in Madeira, Portugal.

Table of Contents


General Conference Chair

Jean Vanderdonckt, Univ. Louvain, Belgium (BE)

IUI 2004 Program Committee Co-Chairs

Charles Rich, Mitsubishi Elec. Res. Labs (US)

Nuno Jardim Nunes, U. Madeira (PT)

CADUI 2004 Program Committee Co-Chairs

Robert Jacob, Tufts U. (US)

Quentin Limbourg, U. Louvain (BE)

Local Arrangements Chair

Nuno Jardim Nunes, Univ. of Madeira, Portugal (PT)

Local Arrangements Committee

Joao Falcao e Cunha, FEUP, Porto (PT)

Joaquim Jorqe, IST (PT)

Short Papers Co-Chairs

Mathias Bauer, DFKI (DE)

Larry Birnbaum, Northwestern U. (US)

Demonstrations Co-Chairs

Rick Kazman, Carnegie Mellon U. (US)

Laurence Nigay, IMAG Grenoble (FR)

Workshops Co-Chairs

Cristina Conati, U. British Columbia (CA)

Birgit Bomsdorf, U. Hagen (DE)

Tutorials Co-Chairs

Mark Maybury, The MITRE Corp. (US)

Gerd Szwillus, U. Paderborn (DE)

Sponsorships Co-Chairs

Doug Riecken, IBM Watson Research (US)

Robin Penner, Iterativity Inc. (US)

Publicity Chair

Jihie Kim, USC/Info. Sciences Inst. (US)

Registration Chair

Tessa Lau, IBM T.J. Watson Research (US)


Rob St Amant, North Carolina State University (US)

Corporate Liaison

Anatole Gershman, Accenture (US)

Website and Online Reviewing Support

Anthony Liu, RedWhale Software (US)


Ernest Edmonds, U. of Technology (AU)

Lewis Johnson, USC/Info. Sciences Inst. (US)

Mark Maybury, The MITRE Corp. (US)

Angel Puerta, Redwhale Software (US)

Doug Riecken, IBM Watson Research (US)

Loren Terveen, U. Minnesota (US)


Elisabeth Andre, U. Augsberg (DE)

Liliana Ardissono, U. Torino (IT)

Mathias Bauer, DFKI (DE)

Larry Birnbaum, Northwestern U. (US)

Jim Blythe, USC/Info. Sciences Inst. (US)

Andreas Butz, Saarland U. (DE)

Giuseppe Carenini, U. British Columbia (CA)

Phil Cohen, Oregon Graduate Inst. (US)

Cristina Conati, U. British Columbia (CA)

John Domingue, The Open U. (UK)

Steven Feiner, Columbia U. (US)

Ken Forbus, Northwestern U. (US)

Elena Gaudioso, UNED (ES)

Yolanda Gil, USC/Info. Sciences Inst. (US)

Peter Haddawy, Asian Inst. of Technology (TH)

Kris Hammond, Northwestern U. (US)

Paul Heisterkamp, DaimlerChrysler (US)

Nicola Henza, U. Hannover (DE)

Achim Hoffmann, U. New South Wales (AU)

Eric Horvitz, Microsoft Research (US)

Anthony Jameson, DFKI (DE)

Lewis Johnson, USC/Info. Sciences Inst. (US)

Joaquim Jorge, IST (PT)

Gal Kaminka, Bar-Ilan U. (IL)

Judy Kay, U. Sydney (AU)

Jihie Kim, USC/Info. Sciences Inst. (US)

Martin Klesen, DFKI (DE)

David Leake, U. Indiana (US)

Neal Lesh, Mitsubishi Elec. Res. Labs. (US)

James Lester, North Carolian State U. (US)

Henry Lieberman, MIT Media Lab (US)

Rainer Malaka, European Media Lab. (DE)

Mark Maybury, The MITRE Corp. (US)

Vibhu Mittal, Google (US)

Johanna Moore, U. Edinburgh (UK)

Elizabeth Mynatt, Georgia Inst. of Technology (US)

Kieron O’Hara, U. Southampton (UK)

Nuria Oliver, Microsoft Research (US)

Ana Paiva, INESC (PT)

Cecile Paris, CSIRO (AU)

Fabio Paterno, ISTI-CNR, (IT)

Catherine Pelachaud, U. Paris 8 (FR)

Angel Puerta, RedWhale Software (US)

Pearl Pu, EPFL (CH)

David Pynadath, USC/Info. Sciences Inst. (US)

Doug Riecken, IBM Watson Research (US)

John Riedl, U. Minnesota (US)

Thomas Rist, DFKI (DE)

Steve Roth, Carnegie Melon U. (US)

Guus Schreiber, U. of Amsterdam (NL)

Jude Shavlik, U. Wisconsin (US)

Erin Shaw, USC/Info. Sciences Inst. (US)

Candy Sidner, Mitsubishi Elec. Res. Labs (US)

Barry Smyth, University College Dublin (IE)

Steffen Staab, U. Karlsruhe (DE)

Robert St. Amant, North Carolina State U. (US)

Constantine Stephanidis, ICS-FORTH (GR)

Oliviero Stock, ITC-IRST (IT)

Markus Stolze, IBM Zurich Res. Lab (CH)

Pedro Szekely, USC/Info Sciences Inst. (US)

Loren Terveen, U. Minnesota (US)

Julita Vassileva, U. Saskatchewan (CA)


Ghassan Al-Qaimari, RMIT University (AU)

Elisabeth Andre, U. Augsburg (DE)

Simone Barbosa, Pontifical U. C. de Rio de Janeiro (BR)

Mathias Bauer, DFKI (DE)

Lawrence Bergman, IBM T.J. Watson Res. Ctr. (US)

Larry Birnbaum, Northwestern U. (US)

Gaelle Calvary, IMAG Grenoble (FR)

Karin Coninx, Limburgs Universitair Centrum (BE)

Alain Derycke, U. Lille I (FR)

Prasun Dewan, U. North Carolina at Chapel Hill (US)

Joao Falacao e Cunha, Univ.U. Porto, (PT)

Jean-Daniel Fekete, INRIA Futurs/LRI (FR)

Steve Feiner, Columbia U. (US)

Peter Forbrig, U. Rostock (DE)

Elizabeth Furtado, U. Fortaleza (BR)

Patrick Girard, U. Poitiers (FR)

Andreas Girgensohn, FX Palo Alto (US)

Mark Green, City U. Hong Kong (HK)

Peter Haddawy, Asian Institute of Technology (TH)

Kristian Hammond, Northwestern U. (US)

Achim Hoffman, U. New South Wales (AU)

Anthony Jameson, DFKI and International U. of Germany (DE)

Lewis Johnson, USC/Information Sciences Institute (US)

Peter Johnson, U. Bath (UK)

Hermann Kaindl, Vienna U. of Technology (AT)

Christophe Kolski, U. de Valenciennes (FR)

James Lester, North Carolina State U. (US)

Henry Lieberman, MIT (US)

Maria-Dolores Lozano, U. Albacete (ES)

Claude Machgeels, U. Libre de Bruxelles (BE)

Rob Miller, MIT (US)

Tom Moher, U. Illinois at Chicago (US)

Faouzi Moussa, U. Tunisia (TN)

Kumiyo Nakakoji, U. Tokyo (JP)

William Newman, U. College London Interaction Centre (UK)

Erik Nilsson, SINTEF (NO)

Dan Olsen, Brigham Young U. (US)

Philippe Palanque, U. Toulouse I (FR)

Cecile Paris, CSIRO (AU)

Oscar Pastor, U. Valencia (ES)

Fabio Paterno, ISTI-CNR (IT)

Manuel Perez, Virginia Tech (US)

Costin Pribeanu, National Institute for Informatics (RO)

Angel Puerta, RedWhale Corp. (US)

Thomas Rist, DFKI (DE)

Kevin Schneider, U. Saskatchewan (CA)

Ahmed Seffah, Concordia U. (CA)

Eleni Stroulia, U. Alberta (CA)

Constantine Stephanidis, ICS-Forth (GR)

Pedro Szekely, U. Southern California (US)

Gerd Szwillus, U. Paderborn (DE)

Hallvard Traetteberg, NTNU, (NO)

Jean Vanderdonckt, Univ. Louvain, Belgium (BE)

Charles Wiecha, IBM T.J. Watson Res. Ctr. (US)

IUI 2004 Attendance

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IUI 2004 Income

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IUI 2004 Expenses

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