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IUI 2000 Details

IUI 2000 was held from January 9–12 in New Orleans, LA.

Table of Contents


Conference Chairs

Doug Riecken – IBM TJ Watson Research Center and Rutgers University, USA

David Benyon – Napier University, UK

Program Chair

Henry Lieberman – MIT Media Lab, USA


James Spohrer – IBM Almaden Research Center

Tutorial & Workshop Chair

Robert St. Amant – North Carolina State University, USA

Corporate Sponsorship

Julie Carroll – Bell Labs – Lucent Technologies, USA


IUI Conference Office


Jack Keane – Bell Labs – Lucent Technologies, USA – Stacy Marsella – Information Sciences Institute, USA

Paolo Petta – Austrian Research Inst. for Artificial Intelligence, Austria

Program Committee

James Alty – Loughborough University, UK – Elisabeth André – German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI), Germany

Matthias Bauer – German Research Center for Artificial Intelligence (DFKI), Germany

David Benyon – Napier University, UK

Larry Birnbaum – Northwestern University, USA

Jeff Bradshaw – Boeing, USA

John Domingue – Open University, UK

Ernest Edmonds – Loughborough University, UK

Mike Eisenberg, University of Colorado, Boulder, USA

Steve Feiner – Columbia University, USA

Jean-Daniel Fekete – Ecole de Mines de Nantes, France

Yolanda Gil – Information Sciences Institute, USA

Kris Hammond – Institue for Learning Sciences, USA

Jim Hollan – University of California at San Diego, USA

Kristina Hook – Swedish Institute for Computer Science (SICS), Sweden

Eric Horvitz – Microsoft, USA

Joe Marks – Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories, USA

Toshiyuki Masui – Sony Computer Science Laboratory, Japan

Mark Maybury – Mitre, USA

Johanna Moore – University of Pittsburgh, USA

Angel Puerta – RedWhale Software, USA

Doug Riecken – IBM T.J. Watson Research Center and Rutgers University, USA

Candace Sidner – Lotus, USA

Maria Simi – University of Pisa, Italy

Brian K. Smith – MIT Media Lab, USA

Robert St. Amant – North Carolina State University, USA

Christoph Thomas – GMD, Germany

Jean Vanderdonckt – Catholic University of Louvain

John Vergo – IBM T.J. Watson Research Center, USA

David Wolber – University of San Francisco, USA

Steering Committee

Chair: Angel Puerta, RedWhale Software, USA – Ernest Edmonds – Loughborough University, UK

Joe Marks – Mitsubishi Electric Research Laboratories, USA

Mark Maybury – The MITRE Company, USA

Loren Terveen – ATT Research, USA

Wolfgang Wahlster – University of Saarbrucken, Germany


Tami Kameda – Stanford University, USA

IUI 2000 Attendance

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IUI 2000 Income

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IUI 2000 Expenses

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