Tabletop 2006 was held from January 5-7 in Adelaide, Australia.
Table of Contents
General Chair
Bruce Thomas (University of South Australia)
Co-Program Chairs
Morten Fjeld (Chalmers Uni. of Technology)
Masahiro Takatsuka (University of Sydney)
Programme Committee
Mark Billinghurst
Peter Eades, NICTA
Steve Feiner, Columbia University
Morten Fjeld, Chalmers University of Technology
Michael Haller, FH Hagenberg
Hiro Kato, Osaka University
Hideki Koike, University of Electro-Communications
Wayne Piekarski
Ehud Sharlin, University of Calgary
Masa Takatsuka, The University of Sydney
Bruce Thomas, The University of South Australia
Rudi Vernik, Defence Science Technology Organisation
Masahiki Inami, The University of Electro-Communications
Matthias Rauterberg, Technical University Eindhoven
ISS 2006 Attendance
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ISS 2006 Income
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ISS 2006 Expenses
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