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ITS 2015

ITS 2015 was held from November 16-19 in Madeira, Portugal.

Table of Contents


General Chairs

Nuno Nunes, Madeira Interactive Technologies Institute (M-ITI), University of Madeira

Enrico Costanza, Agents, Interaction and Complexity Group, University of Southampton

Program Chairs

Patrick Olivier, Open Lab, Newcastle University

Johannes Schöning, Expertise centre for Digital Media (EDM), Hasselt University

Posters Chairs

Ahmed Kharrufa, Diwan Software and Reflective Thinking

David Kim, Microsoft

Monchu Chen

Christian Holz, Microsoft

Demo, Art and Video Chairs

Tom Bartindale, Open Lab, Newcastle University

Ian Oakley, Interactions Lab, Ulsan Institute of Science and Technology

Valentina Nisi, Madeira Interactive Technologies Institute (M-ITI), University of Madeira

Pedro Branco, engageLab, University of Minho

Doctoral Symposium Chair

Raimund Dachselt, Interactive Media Lab Dresden, Technische Universität Dresden

Antonio Krüger, Ubiquitous Media Technology Lab, Saarland University

Workshops, and Studios Chairs

Nicolai Marquardt, UCL Interaction Centre, University College London

Florian Block, SDR Lab, Harvard University

Proceedings Chair

Jo Vermeulen, HCI Centre, University of Birmingham

Local Arrangements Chairs

Pedro Campos, Madeira Interactive Technologies Institute (M-ITI), University of Madeira

Evangelos Karapanos, Madeira Interactive Technologies Institute (M-ITI), University of Madeira

Student Volunteer Chairs

José Luís Silva, Madeira Interactive Technologies Institute (M-ITI), University of Madeira

Betty Chang, Collaborative Systems Lab, University of Waterloo

Sponsors and Industry Chairs

Edward Tse, SMART Technologies

Miguel Peixoto de Oliveira, Edigma

Graham Cosier, Tactable


Web Chair and Logo Design

Andrés Lucero, Mads Clausen Institute, University of Southern Denmark

Publicity Chair

Craig Anslow, Interaction Design Centre, Middlesex University

Takuya Nojima, Nojima Lab, University of Electro-Communications

Madness Chair

Simon Völker, Media Computing Group, RWTH Aachen

Program Committee

Jason Alexander (Lancaster University, UK)
Craig Anslow (Middlesex University, UK)        
Tom Bartindale (Newcastle University, UK)
Hrvoje Benko (Microsoft, USA)
Andrea Bellucci (University Carlos III of Madrid, Spain)
Florian Block (Harvard, USA)
Anke Brock (INRIA, France)
Pedro Campos (M-ITI, Portugal)
Florian Daiber (DFKI, Germany)
Raimund Dachselt (TU Dresden, Germany)
Hans Gellersen (Lancaster University, UK)
Nicholas Graham (Queen’s University, Canada)
Mark Hancock (University of Waterloo, Canada)
Jonathan Hook (University of York, UK)
Petra Isenberg (INRIA, France)
Tobias Isenberg (INRIA, France)
Joaquim Jorge (University of Lisbon, Portugal)
Judy Kay (University of Sydney, Australia)
Ahmed Kharrufa (Reflective Thinking, UK)
David Kim (Microsoft, USA)
Gudrun Klinker (TU Munich, Germany)
Hideki Koike (Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan)
Werner König (University of Applied Sciences Worms, Germany)
Roberto Martinez-Maldonado (University of Sydney, Australia)
Nicolai Marquardt (UCL, UK)
Clemens Nylandsted Klokmose (Aarhus University, Denmark)
Alex Olwal (Google X, USA)
Harald Reiterer (University of Konstanz, Germany)
Yvonne Rogers (UCL, UK)
Anne Roudaut (University of Bristol, UK)
Stacey D. Scott (University of Waterloo, Canada)
Bruce Thomas (University of South Australia, Australia)
Edward Tse (SMART, Canada)
Simon Völker (RWTH Aachen, Germany)
Andy Wilson (Microsoft, USA)

ISS 2015 Attendance

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ISS 2015 Income

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