IDC 2016 was held from June 21-24 in Manchester, United Kingdom.
Table of Contents
Conference Chairs
Janet C. Read, University of Central Lancashire, UK
Phil Stenton, British Broadcasting Corporation (BBC), UK
Technical Chair
Dan Fitton, University of Central Lancashire, UK
Hairy Godfather
Matt Horton, University of Central Lancashire, UK
Publicity Chair
Josh Moorby, University of Central Lancashire, UK
Papers and Notes Chairs
Lisa Anthony, University of Florida, US
Gavin Sim, University of Central Lancashire, UK
Rhia Jones, BBC Research & Development, UK
Associate Paper Chairs
Tilde Bekker, Technische Universiteit Eindhoven, NL
Netta Ivari, University of Oulu, FI
Shuli Gilutz, Tel Aviv University, IL
Jerry Fails, Boise State University, US
Lorna McKnight, University of Central Lancashire, UK
Chris Quintana, University of Michigan, US
Jochen (Jeff) Rick, US
Elisa Rubegni, University of Applied Sciences and Arts of Southern Switzerland, CH
Robert Sheehan, University of Auckland, NZ
Greg Walsh, University of Baltimore, US
Bieke Zaman, KU Leuven, BE
Dan Fitton, University of Central Lancashire, UK
BBC Expert Group
Rebecca Nancarrow, BBC Research & Development, UK
Workshop/Courses Chairs
Eva Erikkson, University of Gothenburg, SE
Sharon Chu, Texas A&M University, US
Research and Design Competition Chairs
Chris Frauenberger, Technische Universität Wien, AT
Elizabeth Bonsignore, University of Maryland, US
Child Experience Chairs
Matt Horton, University of Central Lancashire, UK
Anne-Marie Mann, St. Andrews University, UK
Demos Chairs
Michael Giannakis, Norges Teknisk-Naturvitenskapelige Universitet, NO
Dan Fitton, University of Central Lancashire, UK
Work in Progress / Late Breaking Chairs
Judith Good, University of Sussex, UK
Karen Fisher, University of Washington, US
Mike Evans, BBC, UK
Doctoral Consortium Chairs
Juan Pablo-Hourcade, University of Iowa, US
Jo Lumsden, Aston University, UK
IDC 2016 Attendance
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Attendance category descriptions
IDC 2016 Income
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IDC 2016 Expenses
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