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ICMI-MLMI 2010 Details

ICMI MLMI 2010 was held from November 8-10 in Beijing, China.

Table of Contents


General Chairs

Wen Gao, PKU, China

Chin-Hui Lee, Georgia Tech, USA

Jie Yang, Carnegie Mellon, USA

Program Chairs

Xilin Chen, ICT, CAS, China

Maxine Eskenazi, Carnegie Mellon, USA

Zhengyou Zhang, MSR, USA

Poster Chair

Xuelong Li, OPT, CAS, China

Demo Chairs

Enrique Vidal, PolyU. of Valencia Spain

Xihong Wu, PKU, China

Workshop Chairs

Rainer Stiefelhagen, Karlsruhe Institute of Tech., Germany 

Dong Xu, NTU, Singapore

Special Session & Panel Chairs

Francis Quek, Virginia Tech, USA

Dong Yu, MSR, USA 

Publication Chair

Yuanchun Shi, Tsinghua U., China

Publicity Chairs

Matthew Turk, UCSB, USA

Jianhua Tao, NLPR, China

Local Arrangement Chairs

Shiguang Shan, ICT, CAS, China

Yizhou Wang, PKU, China

Finance Chair

Tiejun Huang, PKU, China

Sponsorship Chairs

Shiqiang Yang, Tsinghua U., China

Antoine Raux, Honda Research Institute, USA  

Student Chair

Louis-Philippe Morency, USC, USA

Web / Student Volunteer Chair

Shuqiang Jiang, ICT, CAS, China

Administrative Supports

Xiaowu Chen, BUAA, China

Yuru Pei, PKU,China

Liaison Chairs

Steve Renals, U. of Edinburgh, UK

Kenji Mase, Nagoya U., Japan

Rafid Sukkar, Lucent Technologies, USA

Facilities Chair

Lingyu Duan, PKU, China

Area Chairs

Herve Bourlard, IDIAP, France

Yu Chen(Indiana University, USA

Phil Cohen, Adapx, USA

Jianwu Dang, Tianjin University, China

Trevor Darrell, UC Berkeley, USA

Norihiro Hagita, ATR, Japan

Michihiko Minoh, Kyoto Univ., Japan

Sharon Oviatt, Incaa Designs, USA

Maja Pantic, Imperial College, UK

Qi Tian, University of Texas at San Antonio, USA

Andy Wilson, Microsoft Research, USA

Advisory Board

Fabio Pianesi, FBK, Trento, Italy 

Samy Benjio, Google

Herve’ Bourlard, IDIAP, Switzerland

Jean Carletta, University of Edinburgh 

James L. Crowley, INRIA Grenoble Rhone Alpes, France

Trevor Darrell, UCB/ICSI, USA

Sadaoki Furui, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Japan

Yuri Ivanov, MERL, USA

Kenji Mase, University of Nagoya, Japan

Sharon Oviatt, Incaa Designs, USA

Catherine Pelachaud, CNRS, France

Andrei Popescu Belis, IDIAP, Switzerland 

Alex Potamianos, TUC,Greece

Steve Renals, University of Edinburgh

Rainer Stiefelhagen, KIT & Fraunhofer IITB, Germany

Matthew Turk, UC Santa Barbara, USA

Wolfgang Wahlster, DFKI, Germany

Jie Yang, Carnegie Mellon Universiy, USA

ICMI 2010 Attendance

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ICMI 2010 Income

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ICMI 2010 Expenses

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