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HRI 2011

HRI 2011 was held from March 6-9 in Lausanne, Switzerland.

Table of Contents


General Co-Chairs:

Aude Billard, EPFL

Peter Kahn, University of Washington

Program Co-Chairs:

Julie A. Adams, Vanderbilt University

Greg Trafton, US Naval Research Laboratories

Workshop and Tutorials Co-Chairs:

Adriana Tapus, ENSTA – ParisTech

Kerstin Dautenhahn, University of Hertfordshire


Late-Breaking Results Co-Chairs:

Cindy Bethel, Yale University

Miguel Salichs, University Carlos III

Video Co-Chairs:

Jacob Crandall, MASDAR Institute

Martin Saerbeck, A*STAR

Publications Chair:

Henriette Cramer, Mobile Life Centre, Sweden

Finance Co-Chairs:

Matthew Johnson, IHMC, Pensacola Florida

Sylvain Calinon, IIT& EPFL

Fundraising Chair:

Jennifer Burke, SA Technologies

Local Chair:

Brenna Argall,  EPFL

Exhibitions Co-Chairs:

Frédéric Kaplan,  EPFL

Eric Sauser, EPFL

Design Chair:

Bilge Mutlu, University of Wisconsin–Madison

Publicity Co-Chairs:

Vanessa Evers, University of Amsterdam

Dong-Soo Kwon, KAIST, Korea

Hideaki Kuzuoka, Tsukuba University, Japan

Registration Chair

Selma Šabanović, Indiana University

Program Committee Chairs

Tony Belpaeme, University of Plymouth, UK

Vanessa Evers, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Jodi Forlizzi, Carnegie Mellon University

Michael Goodrich, Brigham Young University, USA

Hiroshi Ishiguro, Osaka University, Japan

Odest Chadwicke Jenkins, Brown University, USA

Takayuki Kanda, ATR, Japan

Hideaki Kuzuoka, Tsukuba University, Japan

Dong-Soo Kwon, KAIST, Korea

Daniel Levin, Vanderbilt University, USA

Bilge Mutlu, University of Wisconsin–Madison, USA

Yukie Nagai, Osaka University, Japan

Frank Pollick, University of Glasgow, UK

Gerhard Sagerer, Bielefeld University, Germany

Brian Scassellati, Yale University, USA

Mathias Scheutz, Tufts University, USA

Kerstin Severinson-Eklundh, KTH, Sweden

Aaron Steinfeld, Carnegie Mellon University, USA

Holly Yanco, University of Massachusetts–Lowell, USA

Steering Committee


Julie A. Adams, Vanderbilt University, USA

Takayuki Kanda, ATR, Japan

Members (in alphabetical order)

Tony Belpaeme, University of Plymouth, UK

Aude Billard, EPFL, Switzerland

Sylvain Calinon, EPFL, Switzerland

Vanessa Evers, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Michael A. Goodrich, Brigham Young University, USA

Pamela J. Hinds, Stanford University, USA

Hiroshi Ishiguro, Osaka University, Japan

Odest Chadwicke Jenkins, Brown University, USA

Matthew Johnson, IHMC, USA

Peter Kahn, University of Washington, USA

Sara Kiesler, Carnegie Mellon University, USA

Dong-Soo Kwon, KAIST, South Korea

Robin Murphy, Texas A&M, USA

Kerstin Severinson-Eklundh, KTH, Sweden

Aaron Steinfeld, Carnegie Mellon University, USA

Leila Takayama, Willow Garage, Inc., USA

Greg Trafton, Naval Research Laboratories, USA

Holly Yanco, University of Massachusetts–Lowell, USA

HRI 2011 Attendance

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Attendance category descriptions

HRI 2011 Income

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HRI 2011 Expenses

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