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GROUP 2003 Details

GROUP 2003 was held from November 9-12 in Sanibel Island, Florida.

Table of Contents


Conference Co-Chairs

Kjeld Schmidt, IT University of Copenhagen

Mark Pendergast, Florida Gulf Coast University

Program Co-Chairs

Marilyn Tremaine, New Jersey Institue of Technology

Carla Simone, Universita’ di Milano Bicocca

Tutorials Chair

Gloria Mark , University of California, Irvine

Registration Chair

Nancy W. Ashley, Washington State University Tri-Cities Campus

Program Committee

W. van der Aalst, Eindhoven University of Technology, Netherlands

S. Boedker, Aarhus University, Denmark

P. Carstensen, Technical University of Denmark, Danemark

E. Churchill, FX Palo Alto Laboratory, Inc, US

L. Covi, Rutgers University, US

F. Darse, CNAM-Paris, France

G. De Michelis, University of Milano Bicocca, Italy

M. Divitini, Norwegian University of Science and Technology, Norway

C. Ellis, University of Colorado, US

A. Girgonsohn, FX Palo Alto Laboratory, Inc, US

A. Grasso, Xerox-Grenoble, France

S. Hayne, Colorado State University, US

C. Heath, King’s College, London, UK

Q. Jones, New Jersey Institute of Technology, US

M. Koch, University of Munich

J. Konstan, University of Minnesota, US

A. Krebs, Rutgers University, US

K. Kuutti, University of Oulu, Finland

A. Lee, IBM T. J. Watson Laboratory, US

M. Muller, IBM Research, Cambridge, US

K. Nakata, International University of Germany

M. Parashar, Rutgers University, US

A. Prakesh, University of Michigan, US

W. Prinz, FIT- Fraunhafer Institut, Germany

D. Randall, Manchester Metropolitan University, UK

T. Rodden, University of Nottingham, UK

Chee Yam San, National University of Singapore

Y. Sundblad, Royal Institute of Technology, Sweden

R. Vertegaal, Queens University, Canada

I. Wagner, Technical University of Vienna, Austria

V. Wulf, University of Siegen, Germany

M. Zacklad, University of Troyes

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