ETRA 2004 was held from March 22-24 in San Antonio, TX.
Table of Contents
Conference Co-Chairs:
Andrew T. Duchowski, Clemson University
Roel Vertegaal, Queen’s University
John W. Senders, University of Toronto
Program Committee
Arnon Amir, IBM Almaden, USA
Wendy Ark, University of California, San Diego, USA
Mike Daily, HRL Laboratories, USA
Myron Flickner, IBM Almaden, USA
Kikuo Fujimura, Honda Research Institute, USA
James Gips, Boston College, MA, USA
Joe Goldberg, Oracle, USA
Brooke Hallowell, Ohio University, OH, USA
Riad Hammoud, Delphi-Delco, USA
Anthony Hornof, University of Oregon, USA
Tom Hutchinson, University of Virginia, VA, USA
Aulikki Hyrskykari, University of Tampere, Finland
Robert Jacob, Tufts University, MA, USA
Keith Karn, Xerox, NY, USA
David Luebke, University of Virginia, VA, USA
Lester Loschky, University of Illinois, USA
Arantxa Villaneuva Larre, Public University of Navarre, Spain
Paivi Majaranta, University of Tampere, Finland
Jeff Mulligan, NASA Ames, USA
Claudia Mello-Thoms, University of Pittsburgh, USA
ETRA 2004 Attendance
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Attendance category descriptions
ETRA 2004 Income
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ETRA 2004 Expenses
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