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CSCW 2014

CSCW 2014 was held from February 15–19 in Baltimore, MD.

Table of Contents


General Co-Chairs

Susan Fussell, Cornell University

Wayne Lutters, UMBC


N. Sadat Shami, IBM

Papers Co-chairs

Meredith Ringel Morris, Microsoft Research

Madhu Reddy, Penn State University

Interactive Posters Co-Chairs

Rogerio de Paula, IBM Research

Erika Poole, Penn State University

Workshops Co-Chairs

Eric Gilbert, Georgia Tech

Jacki O’Neill, Microsoft Research India

Panels Co-Chairs

Hideaki Kuzuoka, University of Tsukuba

Charlotte Lee, University of Washington

Demonstrations Co-Chairs

Stephan Lukosch, Delft University of Technology

Hao-Chuan Wang, National Tsing Hua University

Videos Co-Chairs

Katie Derthick, University of Washington

Scott McCrickard, Virginia Tech

Doctoral Colloquium Co-Chairs

Claus Bossen, Aarhus University

Darren Gergle, Northwestern University

CSCWhat’s Next Co-Chairs

Mark Handel, The Boeing Company

Susan Wyche, Michigan State University

Industry Liaison Co-Chairs

Sean Goggins, Drexel

Steve Poltrock

Student Volunteers Co-Chair

Victoria Schwanda Sosik, Cornell University

Kathy Weaver, UMBC

Webmasters and Graphic Design Co-Chairs

Serena Hillman, Simon Fraser University

Pablo Quinones, University of Michigan

Social Media Chairs

Irina Shklovski, ITU Copenhagen

Sarita Yardi Schoenebeck, University of Michigan

Social Interaction Co-Chairs

Jofish Kaye, Yahoo Research

Michael Massimi, Microsoft Research

Publications Co-Chairs

Yong Min Kow, City University of Hong Kong

Bryan Semaan, University of Hawaii

Accessibility Co-Chairs

Jennifer Rode, Drexel University

Amy Hurst, UMBC

Shaun Kane, UMBC

Ravi Kuber, UMBC

Local Arrangements Chairs

Anita Komlodi, UMBC

Jessica Vitak, University of Maryland, College Park

PC Meeting Local Arrangements Chair

Andrea Forte, Drexel University

Aleksandra Sarcevic, Drexel University

CSCW 2014 Attendance

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Attendance category descriptions

CSCW 2014 Income

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Finance category descriptions

CSCW 2014 Expenses

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Finance category descriptions

Survey Data

Survey data from conference attendees is available for download here: Survey_CSCW_2014.

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