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CSCW 2008

CSCW 2008 was held from November 8–12 in San Diego, CA.

Table of Contents


Conference Chairs

Bo Begole, PARC,

David W. McDonald, University of Washington


Nicolas Ducheneaut, PARC

Papers and Notes Chairs

Susan Fussell, Cornell University,

Beverly Harrison, Intel Research,

John C. Tang, IBM Research

Panels Chair

Louise Barkhuus, UC San Diego

Workshops Chairs

Laura Dabbish, Carnegie Mellon University,

Roel Vertegaal, Human Media Lab, Queen’s University

Videos Chair

David Nguyen, Accenture Technology Labs

Interactive Posters Chairs

Cleidson de Souza, Universidade Federal do Para’,

Nicolas Roussel, Universite’ Paris-Sud (LRI) & INRIA Futurs

Demonstrations Chairs

Meredith Morris, Microsoft Research,

Mark Newman, University of Michigan

Doctoral Colloquium Chairs

Pamela Hinds, Stanford University,

Keith Edwards, Georgia Institute of Technology

Awards Chair

Loren Terveen, University of Minnesota

Proceedings Chair

Tom Gross, Bauhaus-University Weimar

Electronic Proceedings Chair

Stephen Voida, University of Calgary

Supplemental Proceedings Chair

Elaine Huang, Motorola Labs

Publications Chair

Gillian Hayes, University of California, Irvine

Electronic Publications Chairs

Michal Jacovi, IBM Haifa Research Lab,

Vova Soroka, IBM Haifa Research Lab

Publicity Chair

Madhu Reddy, The Pennsylvania State University

Industry Liaisons

Pamela Hinds, Stanford University,

David Martin, SMART Technologies Inc.

A/V and Computing Chairs

Brian Amento, AT&T Labs – Research,

Patrick Wagstrom, Carnegie Mellon University

Student Volunteer Chairs

Karen Parker, UBC,

N. Sadat Shami, IBM Research

Local Arrangements Chair

Matthew Bietz, University of California, Irvine

CSCW 2008 Attendance

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CSCW 2008 Income

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CSCW 2008 Expenses

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