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IWIC 2007 Details

IWIC 2007 was held from January 25-26 at Kyoto University in Japan.

Table of Contents


General Co-Chairs

Yasuhiro Katagiri, Future University Hakodate, Japan

Hitoshi Isahara, NICT, Japan

Program Co-Chairs

Toru Ishida, Kyoto University, Japan

Susan R. Fussell, Carnegie Mellon University, USA

Piek TJM Vossen, Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam, The Netherlands

Local Organization Co-Chairs

Rieko Inaba, NICT, Japan

Takashi Yoshino, Wakayama University, Japan

Publicity Chair

Ahlem Ben Hassine, NICT, Japan

Publication Chair

Yohei Murakami, NICT, Japan

Finance Chair

Tomohiro Shigenobu, NICT, Japan

Program Committee

Pushpak Bhattacharyya, Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Indian Institute of Technology IIT, Bombay

Francis Bond, NTT Communication Science Laboratories, NTT Corporation

Nicoletta Calzolari, Istituto Linguistica Computazionale

Key-Sun Choi, Department of Computer Science, Korea Advanced Institute of Science and Technology KAIST

Catherine Cramton, School of Management, George Mason University

Christiane D. Fellbaum, Senior Research Psychologist, Department of Psychology, Princeton University

Yoshihiko Hayashi, Graduate School of Language and Culture, Osaka University

Susan C. Herring, School of Library and Information Science, Indiana University

Reiko Hishiyama, Faculty for the Study of Contemporary Society, Kyoto Women’s University

Chu-Ren Huang, The Institute of Linguistics, Academia Sinica

Nancy Ide, Department of Computer Science, Vassar College

Katherine Isbister, Department of Language, Literature and Communication, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute

Chigusa Kita, Department of Informatics, Kansai University

Manolis Koubarakis, Department of Electronic and Computer Engineering, Technical University of Crete

Kyoung Jun Lee, School of Business, Kyung Hee University

Fang Li, Department of Computer Science, Shanghai Jiaotong University

Shigeo Matsubara, NTT Communication Science Laboratories, NTT Corporation

Micihiko Minoh, Academic Center for Computing and Media Studies, Kyoto University

Akiyo Nadamoto, Language Grid Project, National Institute of Information and Communication Technology

Hideyuki Nakanishi, Department of Adaptive Machine Systems, Osaka University

Gary Olson, School of Information/ Department of Psychology, University of Michigan

Judy Olson, School of Information/ Michigan Business School/ Department of Psychology, University of Michigan

Yuanchun Shi, Computer Science and Technology Department, Tsinghua University

Virach Sornlertlamvanich, Thai Computational Linguistics Laboratory TCL, National Institute of Information and Communications Technology

Dan Tufis, Research Institute for Artificial Intelligence, The Romanian Academy/ Computational Linguistics, University “A.I.Cuza” of Iasi

Kiyotaka Uchimoto, Computational Linguistics Group, National Institute of Information and Communication Technology

Zili Zhang, Faculty of Computer and Information Science, Southwest University/ School of Engineering and Information Technology, Deakin University

Qiping Zhang, College of Information Science and Technology, Drexel University

Michael Zock, Laboratoire d’Informatique Fondamentale de MarseilleLIF, CNRS, Universite de la Mediterranee, Universite de Provence

Local Organization Committee

Heeryon Cho, Kyoto University, Japan

Donghui Lin, Kyoto University, Japan

Naoki Miyata, Kyoto University, Japan

Hiroki Morikawa, Kyoto University, Japan

Masaki Goto, Kyoto University, Japan

Rie Tanaka, Kyoto University, Japan

Hironobu Miyaura, Kyoto University, Japan

Kunikazu FujiiWakayama University, Japan

Koji FukuiWakayama University, Japan

Workshop Secretariat

Eri Tsunokawa, NTT-AT, Japan

CABS 2007 Attendance

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CABS 2007 Income

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CABS 2007 Expenses

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