SIGCHI’s members are becoming more and more international. By the end of April, we currently have 2878 members. 1239 members indicated to live in the U.S. compared to 1580 members choosing one of the 258 other labels that you can…
SIGCHI VP for Membership and Communication
The SIGCHI Executive Committee is searching interested people for the position of the VP of Membership and Communication, starting immediately until July 2020. Main duties are to continue the various activities of the Communication Team, active involvement in all EC…
Volunteers for SIGCHI EC Vice President Positions
Over the next few months, we will be looking for members to join the SIGCHI Executive Committee (EC) in various leadership and committee member positions The following is the first call for nominations for the following appointed VP positions: Publications,…
We are interested in what our membership considers important issues for attention over the next three years. The SIGCHI Grand Challenges call is an opportunity for you to voice your concerns right to the EC and for us to respond…