SIGCHI Live and Recorded Video Policy:
This document details the ACM SIGCHI policy for the Posting and Streaming of Video for all SIGCHI Conferences. It should be understood in the context of the help SIGCHI and our operations group can offer around video. This was approved by the SIGCHI EC and its effective date is Feb 11, 2017.
Objectives of this Document
Video is an important medium for SIGCHI content. As such, SIGCHI has invested in video equipment, operations group support and this policy. However, it is important to ensure consistency across different types of videos to maintain the SIGCHI brand, support SIGCHI processes, and to promote a consistent user experience. This policy is primarily aimed at videos posted on external sites such as YouTube or which are streamed live on other platforms. In particular, it is essential that any video posted both inside and outside the ACM Digital Library (DL) are branded by SIGCHI and ACM, and contain a copyright statement. Videos posted outside the ACM DL should be added to the SIGCHI YouTube channel.
Live streams should contain regular inclusion of SIGCHI and ACM logos, contain a copyright statement at the start and end of the stream, and have a copyright statement within the metadata for the stream broadcast itself (where feasible).
This Policy Covers:
Paper presentations for SIGCHI conferences
Keynote/Plenary/Invited talks at SIGCHI conferences
Videos of Courses for SIGCHI conferences
Videos of Panels for SIGCHI conferences
CHI Video Showcase Submissions posted externally
Other material recorded at/for SIGCHI conferences (e.g., fast-forwards)
This Policy Does Not Cover:
Supplementary Videos – (e.g. Video Figures submitted with CHI Submissions)
Video Previews – (e.g. mandatory videos supplied with CHI paper final submissions)
Interactivity Submission Videos (e.g. videos submitted as companions to CHI Interactivity submissions)
Practical guidance on Video, instead this can be found in our SIGCHI Video Summary.
The costs of renting or borrowing SIGCHI equipment is borne by the conference. As an exception, SIGCHI Operations may cover shipping costs related to transport of SIGCHI video equipment. Further, if recorded video is being published, it needs to be captioned – if the captioning is done professionally by our service vendor, the cost of captioning is borne by the conference. Finally, we expect conferences to provide one complimentary SV registration per track where video is employed for the video chair to appoint.
If a conference plans to record or stream talks then we typically expect a video and streaming chair to be appointed. The video chair handles organization of equipment, training SVs, post-processing of recordings, and final upload. To ensure smooth planning, the video chairs need to contact the SIGCHI operations group a minimum of 4 months before the conference to start planning or to reserve the use of SIGCHI equipment. SIGCHI only has limited video resources (i.e. currently 5 capture stations). Equipment will be provided to conferences on a first-come, first-serve basis.
Video streaming from SIGCHI conferences
If a conference wishes to stream live imagery from the conference, then it is upto the chair of the steering committee to approve this and they will advise the SIGCHI VP for conferences and the SIGCHI VP for operations, of their intent to stream. You will always allow presenters the option to opt out of being included any live streaming.
When the chair of the steering committee advises us of your intent to stream, then you are asked to acknowledge the following considerations and how they apply.
Streaming considerations:
How will you handle permissions? (i.e. the default is permissions are obtained during the submission process. On-site permissions should be handled by the video chair. It is a (general) chair’s task, however, to inform authors that they will be live streamed.)
How will you handle permissions from delegates who might be included in the stream due to their asking questions of the presenter?
Will streaming impact your delegate numbers and budget?
Has the streaming been planned far ahead of time or is this a last minute request?
Has the conference decided in advance on how to handle video when putting together the budget?
Do you have a plan for how you are going to offer it, what talks will be streamed, etc. and the associated budget impacts (including costs for labor, when applicable)
How will you address the problem of ensuring permissions are in place prior to the streaming of invited talks and the keynote. This will present a challenge if your speakers are not signing permissions prior to the conference itself!
Streaming quality mostly depends in Internet connection so is the stream of a high-enough quality before you charge for it?
Will you refund delegates if the quality of service or the streaming fails? (note, SIGCHI has no solution currently on charging for streaming!)
Are you relying on streaming to remote participants for accessibility reasons? And can you provide live closed-captioning and other accessibility measures in the live stream?
Will a live stream improve remote attendance or might it be detrimental to your delegate numbers and conference experience?
Permissions are acquired when authors complete the ACM copyright form for their paper. And we remind you our practice is to allow presenters the option to opt-out. For other formats (e.g., keynotes), permissions are acquired individually on-site. Presenters can choose after the presentation that their recording should not be uploaded (In this case, the material will be deleted). Where video was streamed live and permission was in place at the time then no request to revoke permission after the event is possible.
For recording only: A Copyright release form must be submitted to the ACM. This can either happen through the normal papers submission process, or be signed at the conference.
For Streaming: A Copyright release form must be submitted to the ACM. This happens through the normal papers submission process. However, a presenter may if they wish opt out of live streaming. This could be communicated in the call for papers and any advertisement for live streams for the conference (regardless of the stream being paid for or free).
For Streaming: The description of the stream and the welcome image used prior to the stream starting or while paused should contain the copyright notice, e.g., “Copyright (C) 2017 ACM, Inc.”. This is included in the video bumpers provided by SIGCHI.
Videos to be posted need to contain the copyright notice, e.g., “Copyright (C) 2017 ACM, Inc.”. This is included in the video bumpers provided by SIGCHI.
Videos will be branded for ACM and SIGCHI. Ideally this would be through the use of video bumpers provided by SIGCHI. These can be acquired through the SIGCHI Operations team and prepended to the video prior to uploading. In addition, SIGCHI conferences may provide conference-specific video bumpers to supplement the SIGCHI and ACM bumpers. As videos can be easily downloaded and shared, SIGCHI require all videos to have the addition of branding (e.g. video bumpers) even if they are only going into the ACM DL.
The SIGCHI Video Operations team ( is responsible for maintaining the process by which video is shared. Conferences should work with the SIGCHI Operations team to share their videos on the SIGCHI YouTube channel
ACM policy
The ACM has recording requirements in place in order for the capture to appear in the Digital Library. We refer you to the Video Capture and Streaming section of the ACM Conference Planning Guide. Which includes details on recording requirements, policy and release form.
The ACM states that if the conference wishes to record or webcast/stream video of paper presentations and conference talks that they have a relationship with a preferred vendor. However, in SIGCHI our prefered partner is the operations team and our video capture equipment. SIGCHI has already invested in equipment and SIGCHI can provide conferences with the equipment to record talks. Please contact the SIGCHI Operations team ( for information about the SIGCHI equipment.
SIGCHI checklist for video uploading
Ensure ACM has a copy of the copyright release form.
Prepend video bumpers to video.
- Work with SIGCHI Operations team to access the SIGCHI YouTube channel.
Notes: Produced (SIGCHI Conferences Board/Operations Group): Feb 2017 and Approved (SIGCHI EC): Feb 11, 2017
Effective Date: Feb 11, 2017
Responsible SIGCHI Officer: Vice-President for Conferences
Last update: August 2, 2018 (update on ACM Conference Planning Guide)