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Internationalisation, Diversity and Inclusion events at Sponsored Conferences

From 2019, there is no longer a dedicated call for Internationalisation, Diversity and Inclusion events. However, if you are interested in applying for support in organising such an event, then you should should make an application to the “SIGCHI Development Fund”.

This page remains online to provide information and guidance for those seeking to make a new application to the “SIGCHI Development Fund”.

Until the end of 2018, SIGCHI had a dedicated “Special Initiative” for applications to support Internationalisation, Diversity and Inclusion events at our SIGCHI Sponsored Conferences. Only events which were organized at our 24 SIGCHI sponsored conferences were considered (HRI, IUI, TEI, C&C, DIS, EICS, IDC, TVX, CI, UMAP, CSCW, MobileHCI. RecSYS, UbiComp, CHI Play, ETRA, SUI, UIST, AutoUI, GROUP, ICMI, ISS, VRST and CHI).


The SIGCHI Executive Committee provides access to a “SIGCHI Development Fund” as a benefit to all our members. This page describes a prior special initiative for the sponsorship (partial) of Diversity, Inclusion and Internationalisation events organized exclusively at our SIGCHI Sponsored Conferences.

SIGCHI members could apply for up to $5,000 (USD). This dedicated call supported our mission in HCI of broadening participation and developing new communities.

Prior events SIGCHI supported

We would encourage you to consider events we have provided support for in the past.

In the April 2017 call the SIGCHI EC decided to support this application.

In the Oct 2017 call the SIGCHI EC decided to support these applications.

In the April 2018 call the SIGCHI EC decided to support these applications.

  • ASSET: Asian Scholars Symposium on Emerging Technologies at UbiComp 2018 $5,000
  • Diversity and Inclusion in Playful Technology: Lunch & Panel at CHIPlay 2018 $4,053
  • Women in RecSys Breakfast at RecSys 2018 $3,200
  • Diversity and Inclusion Lunch – TEI 2019 $3,252


Such events aimed to increase the participation and success of underrepresented groups in HCI. An event may focus, for example on Diversity and Inclusion alone or on Internationalisation alone. However we encouraged joined up proposals which look at the intersectionality of underrepresented groups.

There are many examples of such events across SIGCHI conferences as shown above or in the past, including:

  • The 2015 UbiComp/ISWC Broadening Participation Workshop
  • Women of UIST events
  • CHI Women’s Breakfasts
  • CHI Diversity & Inclusion Lunch
  • TVX in Asia Forum.

This special initiative aimed to support the establishment of such activities across our family of conferences which can increase the participation and success of underrepresented groups in HCI.

A SIGCHI Internationalisation, diversity and inclusion event could take many forms and here we provide three examples.


  • A common style of event is a food/panel event. This is an event during the conference, such as a lunch or breakfast, sometimes with a speaker, mentoring circles. The main goal of these types of events is to build community among underrepresented groups (e.g. women/minorities) or who attend the conference and to broaden participation. Or to significantly increase the number of attendees coming from a particular region of the world.
  • Another style of event might be the founding of a new institution within a conference series (e.g. Women of UIST or CHIWoman). Support requested from SIGCHI to support the establishment of a new institution within a conference series should seek support from the steering committee and demonstrate its viability both in its foundation and long-term plans. These institutions are often organized by groups associated with a particular conference series.
  • Discipline Specific Workshops provide career mentoring and networking advice in the context of a specific research area. These are typically one day workshops held in conjunction with a conference in the field. The goal is to attract underrepresented groups to the research area and give them career and networking to integrate them into the community.

Whatever type of event you were seeking support for it is important that you include a success metric. For example, for an event such as (c) you would need to track whether attendees remain in the research area and become successful participants with future papers, demos/posters etc. The particular metric you choose to employ is based on the type of event.

No matter the style of event, it should be organised by a group of SIGCHI members for the benefit of other SIGCHI members.

Applications are particularly encouraged which build on established models, seek to address the underrepresentation of groups typically not targeted to date, developing networks bringing SIGCHI members together or events which span across our family of sponsored and co-sponsored conferences.

The applicant or applicants to this SIGCHI special initiative need to be SIGCHI members, prior to application. At least 50% of the participants selected to attend must be SIGCHI members prior to the event itself. SIGCHI support for travel can only be provided to SIGCHI members. Events can happen at any time in the 2018/19 calendar year, exceptions to this need to be approved by the SIGCHI VP for Conferences.

Proposals will be reviewed by a combination of external experts, familiar with such events, and the SIGCHI Executive Committee.

Support Criteria

An application to this special initiative is subject to the absolute criteria of the overall Development Fund. Additional criteria include, experience of the organisers, other sponsorship and the impact of the event. It is important to note that an application for SIGCHI sponsorship may support the entirety of the costs for the event but travel support may only be provided to SIGCHI members.
As with regular SIGCHI development requests there is no application form, instead we suggest a proposal for event sponsorship should be limited to 3 A4 pages and should include:

Proposal for a SIGCHI Internationalisation, diversity and inclusion event

  • Name and email address of organisers
  • Title of event
  • Which SIGCHI sponsored or co-sponsored conference will this event be at? Your proposal must include a letter e.g. email from the chair of the steering committee which indicates their support for the proposal.However, if the conference is within 18 months, a proposal should also include a letter (e.g. email) from the chair of the conference committee, which indicates their support for the proposal. Where a proposal is seeking to establish a recurring event and hence a “conference institution” and is within 18 months, letters from both the steering committee chair and conference chair are required.
  • Outline (upto 5000 characters): including the purpose, reason for event, proposed speakers, how will it be advertised, where will participants attend from
  • Location and dates of the event
  • Schedule for the event
  • Expected number of delegates
  • Travel/accommodation support required for speakers/other
  • Total budget (upto $5,000).
(Awards can be used to cover travel costs for attendees or speakers, catering (eg. lunches and welcome dinners etc))
  • Other sponsorship or support already agreed inc. space from conference or other, data, hardware etc.
  • Further details to support proposal (upto 2000 characters): inc existing experience running such events, evidence of need for this event, commitment from speakers to participate.
  • How will your event be announced to the global SIGCHI community so members from anywhere can attend to apply?
  • Where and event to be held at a co-sponsored conference is proposed, we expect the other sponsoring organisations to have been approached to provide support also.

Deadline for SIGCHI members to apply

There is no longer a dedicated call for such events. If you are seeking support for this type of event you should make application, using the format described above, to the general “SIGCHI Development Fund” program which has four deadlines per year.

Our thanks to A.J. Brush, Vicki Hanson, Allison Druin and others on their input to the ideas behind this call.

Last Updated: Jan 7th, 2019

Please note:

Our support page describes all the different types current support SIGCHI can offer to members, conferences and student members.

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