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SIGCHI HCI Winter/Summer schools

From 2019, there is no longer a dedicated call for HCI Winter/Summer Schools.

However, if you are interested in applying for support in organising such an event, then you should should make an application to the “SIGCHI Development Fund“.

This page remains online to provide information and guidance for those seeking to make a new application to the “SIGCHI Development Fund” for a HCI Winter/Summer School type of event.

Until the end of 2018, one of the dedicated Special Funding Initiatives the SIGCHI Executive Committee established, under its SIGCHI Development Fund Program was support for HCI Summer/Winter Schools.


The SIGCHI Executive Committee provides access to a “SIGCHI Development Fund” as a benefit to all our members. This page describes a past special funding initiative under this “SIGCHI Development Fund” for the partial sponsorship of Winter and Summer Schools in HCI. SIGCHI members could apply for upto $12,000 (USD). Summer/Winter Schools which have been funded in the past could apply again but they were given lower priority with respect to events which haven’t previously received funding.

For 2017 events our deadlines for application were June 1st, 2017 and December 2nd, 2016.

For 2018 events our deadlines for application were December 3rd, 2017.

For 2019 and beyond there are no dedicated calls and instead you should apply to the general SIGCHI Development Fund calls.


A summer or winter school is a program of lectures, classes, tutorials, hands on technology sessions, exercises or group work organised by a group of SIGCHI members for the benefit of SIGCHI student members. Schools should be organised for the benefit of SIGCHI student members and should not be designed to make a profit for the organisers. There are many examples of such “HCI Summer Schools” documented online. Applications are particularly encouraged on emerging topics in HCI, developing regions or topics which span across areas of interest in our family of sponsored and co-sponsored conferences.

The applicant or applicants to this SIGCHI special funding initiative needed to be SIGCHI members, prior to application. Students who were selected to attend (and be provided a fee waiver) must be SIGCHI members prior to the event itself.

This funding is targeted at SIGCHI members.

HCI Summer of Winter schools can happen at any time, exceptions to this need to be approved by the SIGCHI President. Proposals were reviewed by the SIGCHI Executive Committee.

Examples of past SIGCHI Supported events

In June of 2018 we provided support for 3 summer schools in Namibia, Bangladesh and Poland.

  1. Nov 26 – Dec 2nd 2018, Designing With or For Marginalised Communities, Namibia University of Science and Technology, Windhoek, Namibia
  2. Łódź summer school in Methods in HCI 2019, Łódź University of Technology (Interactions Article on 2018 event)
  3. Research Methods in Human-Computer Interaction: Building Bangladesh’s Future HCI Professionals 2019, Bangladesh.

In Dec 2017 we provided support for 6 summer school in India, Israel, Saudi Arabia, Nigeria, UK and Australia as follows:

  1. Research​ ​Methods​ ​and​ ​Approaches​ ​to​ ​Text​ ​Entry​ ​and Other​ ​Interaction​ ​Techniques, May 21 – 25 2018, IIT Bombay, Mumbai, India
  2. Intelligent User Interfaces in the era of IoT and Smart Environments, Oct 2-5 2018, Haifa, Israel
  3. Research Methods in Human-Computer Interaction, Aug 27 – 30, 2018, Riyadh, Saudi Arabia.
  4. The Dissemination of HCI Education + Research in Nigeria, July 23 – 27 2018, Lagos, Nigeria
  5. 4th International ACM SIGCHI Summer School on Computational Interaction, August 2017 (tbd), Cambridge, UK
  6. Summer School on Experimental Play, Nov 5 – 8 2018, Melbourne, Australia.

In June of 2017 we provided support for 1 summer school in Argentina.

  1. Next-generation location-based technologies: from urban crowdsourcing to the physical web
    18-22 December 2017 in Tandil, Buenos Aires, Argentina.

In Dec 2016 we provided support for 7 summer schools in Australia, China, Ireland, Poland, Mexico, USA and Switzerland as follows:

  1. Computational Fabrication and Smart Matter
    14-18 June 2017 in Cambridge, MA, USA.
  2. International summer school on computational interaction
    12-17 June 2017 in Lucerne, Switzerland
  3. International Summer School on e-Health and m-Health
    26-30th June in Dublin, Ireland.
  4. Summer School on Methods in Human-Computer Interaction
    7-14 July 2017 in Łódź, Poland.
  5. Summer School on Pervasive Interaction for binational challenges
    September 18th to 22th in Ensenada, Mexico
  6. Summer School on Playful Interactions with OzCHI
    24-27 November 2017 in Melbourne, Australia
  7. The future of crowdsourcing in developing countries -technical, design, social, and ethical implications
    10-14 July 2017 in Suzhou, China.

Funding Criteria

An application to this special funding initiative was subject to the absolute criteria of the SIGCHI Development Fund. Additional criteria include, experience of the organisers, other sponsorship and the impact of the school. It is important to note that an application for SIGCHI sponsorship was not intended to fund the entirety of the costs associated with a winter or summer school.

As with regular SIGCHI development funding requests there was no application form, instead we suggest a proposal for sponsorship should be limited to 3 A4 pages and should include:

Proposal for a SIGCHI Sponsored Winter/Summer School

  • Name and email address of organisers
  • Title of summer school
  • Relationship to any SIGCHI sponsored or co-sponsored conferences
  • Outline (upto 5000 characters): including the purpose, areas of research, reason for event, proposed speakers, how will it be advertised, where will participants attend from
  • Location and dates of Summer School
  • Event Schedule: Lectures, hands on technology sessions, exercises, group work, welcome dinner etc.
  • Number of delegates (in total) and number to be supported by SIGCHI.
    (An organiser can charge non-SIGCHI supported students upto $750 for a week long residential summer school and $500 for non-residential summer school)
  • Total budget (to support 16 residential or 24 nonresidential participants upto $12,000).
    (Awarded funds can be used to cover travel costs for speakers, catering (eg. lunches and welcome dinners etc), accommodation for residential participants (subject to ACM approval))
  • Other sponsorship or support already agreed inc. space, data, funds, hardware etc.
  • Further details to support proposal (upto 2000 characters): inc existing experience running a summer school, evidence of need for this summer school, commitment from speakers to participate.
  • From 2018, your proposal should note how it addresses one or more of SIGCHI’s five strategic initiatives. 
  • How will your event be announced to the global SIGCHI community so student members from anywhere can attend to apply?

Deadline for SIGCHI members to apply

There is no longer a dedicated call for such events. If you are seeking support for this type of event you should make application, using the format described above, to the general “SIGCHI Development Fund” program which has four deadlines per year.


SIGCHI members could apply for upto $12,000 but your proposal should include the total costs and income from registrations and other sponsorship see an example of this below:

Budget example (yours should be based on real quotes)

Local University Sponsor
Local Industry Sponsor
Gift from Alumni
SIGCHI sponsorship for 16 SIGCHI residential students
Fees from 16 non-SIGCHI residential students
Daily Tea/Coffee/Lunch Catering

Welcome Dinner for 40 people

Accommodation for 32 students

Accommodation for 8 guest speakers

Travel for 8 guest speakers


Those who were awarded a SIGCHI Development Fund award under this special funding initiative were provided a contact to our Program Coordinator within the ACM who can assist with processing claims and reimbursements.

It is important to note that all financial claims are guided by our SIGCHI Volunteer Reimbursement Policy and ACM policies on what can be claimed and how.

Please note:

Our support page describes all the different types current support SIGCHI can offer to members, conferences and student members.

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