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SIGCHI and CHI 2020 Town Hall

CHI 2021

If COVID-19 continues, what are the plans for a virtual conference?

SIGCHI Finances

How are we doing with the whole pandemic thing? What is the best case and worst case scenario for SIGCHI in terms of budgets, future plans, etc.?

Reviewing Quality

What steps are being taken to improve academic integrity and equity at the conference, particularly with respect to reviews? To give some context: Review criteria stated as “must have” or “important” on the website are not followed (e.g., submission size limits, move towards open science/supplementary materials), and conferences like CSCW, ISS have moved towards fully “refereed “publications, whereas CHI is only “formally reviewed” — our flagship conference should strive for the highest quality of review ( Similarly, what tools are being provided to PCs/SCs/ACs to look at equity in the review process? Are some groups being disadvantaged in the review process? You can’t manage what you can’t measure, and equity should be a priority at CHI.

Equity and Justice

The “Critical Race Theory for HCI” paper presents some interesting challenges for the organization. How will you respond?

CHI and SIGCHI structures and processes

Can we develop a new type of SIGCHI workshop that is entirely virtual? These workshops would have a conference “brand” (and a conference review-process), but could be scheduled at times of mutual convenience that would not have to coincide with a physical conference. They could experiment with flexibility afforded by their virtual nature — e.g., accommodating different timezones by holding shorter sessions over a series of days (similar to some of our virtual PC meetings).


When does SIGCHI move to support TRUE OPEN ACCESS? It’s embarrassing, not to mention disrespectful toward our stakeholders, that our papers are still paywalled. Yes, you can put them in repo, but since not all do that, it’s not working. SIGCHI has been kicking the can down the road for too many years.

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