October 27, 2010 In attenance: Fred, Loren, John K, John T, Gerrit, Jonathan, Ashley, Gary, Fran, Tuomo, Elizabeth, Scooter, Paula - SIGCHI member benefits for SGB, due November 15 (Gerrit) - Joe Konstan¡¯s request for suggestions for possible Associate Editors for the Computer Classification System - SIGCHI Chapters - first action plans (Tuomo) - Education plans (Jenny, Elizabeth) - Public policy activities (Jonathan) - CMC (Scooter) - Awards (Loren, Elizabeth) ==================== - SIGCHI member benefits for SGB, due November 15 (Gerrit) - Gerrit can produce this list, but needs input/feedback from at least a few others. (Fran: if a SIG wants to make significant changes, this is the place to document it.) - Gerrit will send a draft to the EC, with specific people being requested to give feedback. He will send the draft by October 28. - Feedback due to Gerrit by November 8 - Joe Konstan¡¯s request for suggestions for possible Associate Editors for the Computer Classification System (Deadline for this appears to have passed, so no action required) - SIGCHI Chapters - first action plans (Tuomo) - Report from Tuomo - One issue. A number of SIGCHI chapters have become inactive. Tuomo is going to look into this issue, to understand status of the various chapters, and (eventually) to see if it's possible to reactivate some of these chapters. - Education plans (Jenny, Elizabeth) - Elizabeth. Will be distributing a proposal for feedback soon. - Public policy activities (Jonathan) - Jonathan is continuining to add to the International Public Policy Committee. Us Public Policy Committee: Janet Davis has agreed to head this committee, and that committee now has 6 members. - Coming up: Response to new US Law on Online Access under ADA - Organizing events for CHI 2011 - Panel: Legal Issues and Accessibility - SIG on Standards - Grant funding (US Public Policy Committee probably will take the lead on this) - CMC (Scooter) - CHI 2012 team is in place. Making good progress. - CHI 2011: Submissions are up (again). If this continues, it will force serious consideration of our current model -- probably won't scale past 2013. Will require analysis and investigation at the level of the CMCM or EC. Longitudinal studies needed. Question: What's the time frame on this? For example, will anything be done in time for CHI 2012? Maybe there are one-time effects, too -- usual CSCW submitters who submitted to CHI 2011 instead? And what are the larger trends? For example, if academics in our set of relevant disciplines are moving (even more) away from journals and toward conferences, that could be a big part of the reason, too. CHI 2011 submissions - PCS records required for all authors. This went very smoothly. - Awards (Loren, Elizabeth) - Report by Loren and Elizabeth. Alan Newell Award - ideas - Eric Horvitz - Jean Scholtz (HRI) - Sara Kiesler (HRI) - Peter Pirolli (Cognitive Science Modeling) Infosys Award - Can we nominate Luis for this award, too? What's the difference between this and the Grace Murray Hopper award?